Can I get a refund for Value Added Tax (VAT) on purchases made in Finland?

Post ByAdequate Travel

If you're eager to know whether you can get a refund for Value Added Tax (VAT) on purchases made in Finland, you've come to the right place! In this blog, we'll be exploring the refund process, the nitty-gritty details and all the important information you need to get your well-deserved cash back. It's essential to stay updated with international travel information, especially when planning a foreign trip, to navigate any changes in travel advisory or travel warnings.

Refund for Value Added Tax (VAT) on purchases made in Finland

1. Eligibility for VAT refund:

  • To be eligible for a VAT refund in Finland, you must be a non-EU resident.
  • Your purchases must be made for personal or business purposes, and not for resale.

2. Minimum purchase amount:

  • In Finland, the minimum purchase amount per store is usually €40, including VAT.
  • Some stores may have additional requirements, so it's important to check individual policies.

3. Conditions for refund:

  • You need to validate your purchases with original receipts, invoices, or VAT refund forms provided by the retailer.
  • The goods must be exported out of the European Union within three months from the month of purchase.
  • Customs officials may inspect the goods to ensure they are being exported.

4. VAT refund process:

  • While still in Finland, visit customs at the point of departure to get your documents stamped.
  • Once stamped, submit the stamped documents, receipts, and/or refund forms to the VAT refund service provider or directly at the airport.
  • The refund can be claimed at the airport's VAT refund desk or through self-service kiosks.
  • Ensure all necessary documents are included for processing.

5. Payment options:

  • Refunds can be received in different forms such as cash, credit to a credit card, bank transfer, or a refund check.
  • Note that some service providers may charge a commission or fee for processing the refund.


John is a tourist from the United States who traveled to Finland. He bought souvenirs worth €100 (including VAT) from a store in Helsinki. Let's see if he is eligible for a VAT refund:

- John is a non-EU resident, making him eligible for a VAT refund.

- The purchase amount of €100 exceeds the minimum requirement of €40.

- John ensures to get his receipts stamped by customs at the Helsinki airport before leaving Finland.

- At the airport, John submits the stamped documents, receipts, and refund form to the VAT refund service provider desk.

- He chooses to receive the refund on his credit card.

- The VAT refund is processed, and John receives the refund amount on his credit card within a few weeks.

Remember to always consult the specific guidelines and procedures from the VAT refund service provider or retailer you are dealing with, as they may have their own requirements and processes.Before embarking on your journey to finland, make sure to check the latest travel guidelines and entry requirements to ensure a smooth trip

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