National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The National Orthopaedic Hospital in Lagos may make you feel anything but comfortable the minute you step foot inside. With a history peppered with horror stories, and reports of paranormal activities going on within its walls, it's no wonder this establishment keeps people on edge.

Horror Story of National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos
The family of six had finally reached the hospital after hours of driving in heavy traffic. They had heard rumors of the National Orthopaedic Hospital – Lagos in their small town and my mother, who was suffering from severe joint pain, had decided to make the long journey to find a cure.
As they arrived at the hospital, the family was greeted by a cold, damp atmosphere. The walls were aged and the halls were dark and empty. The family was met with a cold welcome from the receptionist, who gave curt and stern instructions. The family made their way to the hospital wing, but they felt a sense of unease and dread in the deserted corridors.
As they walked down the dimly lit corridor, they saw beds in the hallway, with patients lying motionless. As they got closer, they noticed that the patients were not moving – and all had terrible deformities. Some were missing limbs, some had scars that were too horrific to describe, and some had tumors so big they could have been a football.
The family was in utter shock as they made their way through the dark and dismal hallway.
As they finally reached the doctor’s office, they were filled with horror when they noticed the doctor had closed the door. After knocking, the doctor opened the door, with a “Welcome” that almost sounded like a sigh of relief. As they followed her inside, the family noticed that the walls of the office were covered in medical equipment and tools for surgeries. They knew these tools were used to treat the deformed patients they had just seen in the hallway.
The family’s minds raced with the thought of what horrors had gone on in this place. They had heard enough stories about the National Orthopaedic Hospital – Lagos to know that they had chosen a terrible place for treatment. But they were desperate, so they desperately hoped for a miracle.
History & Information of National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos
The National Orthopaedic Hospital (NOH) in Lagos, Nigeria, is a 250-bed capacity acute care facility established in 1952. It is the only hospital in Nigeria that specializes in orthopaedic surgery, orthopaedic trauma, rheumatology, orthotic and prosthetic services. It is the oldest and one of the few orthopaedic hospitals in Africa.
NOH is located in the Lagos Island Local Government District of Lagos, Nigeria. The hospital offers a range of services from trauma and orthopaedic surgery, including plastic and reconstructive surgery, physical therapy, indigenous physiotherapy, orthotic and prosthetic services, rheumatology and occupational therapy.
The hospital is well equipped to meet the needs of the Nigerian people, and also has advanced facilities for international orthopaedic and trauma surgeries such as joint replacement surgery, orthopaedic trauma surgery and joint fusion, as well as major illnesses such as cancer and tumors. The hospital also has facilities to perform medial assistance to victims of war, road accidents, ill-fitted footwear, and people who suffer from muscle contractures and other orthopaedic deformities.
NOH has made significant contributions to the Nigerian public health system, training many specialists and medical officers in the management of orthopaedic conditions. The hospital is capable of providing all aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic care, including open surgery, excision of tumors and lesions, fracture fixation, spinal deformity correction, arthroscopic surgery, prosthetic surgery, and limb reconstruction surgery.
NOH plays a leading role in outreach programmes all over Lagos State aimed at preventing orthopaedic conditions and disabilities. The hospital also provides the community with orthopaedic education through seminars, workshops, and medical camps. As part of its commitment to quality healthcare, NOH is accredited by the National Post-Graduate College and is affiliated with the National Orthopaedic and Trauma Centre, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London, England.
The National Orthopaedic Hospital has been recognized for its excellence in orthopaedic care, and for its contribution to patient care, research, and training. In 2011, the hospital received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for its services in the advancement of orthopaedic care in Nigeria and the West African region.
In 2010, the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) opened its Orthopaedic Research Department, which is headed by a team of dedicated orthopaedic scientists, engineers, and physicians. The department is responsible for conducting research into the diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic conditions in Nigeria and promoting the use of evidence-based orthopaedic practices. The research department is linked to NOH to provide a comprehensive approach to orthopaedic care.
In 2013, the National Orthopaedic Hospital was crowned the winner of the Nigeria Health Prize Award for innovation in health care delivery. The hospital was selected from a number of competing hospitals for its leadership in innovation and excellence in orthopaedic care.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
Paranomial Activity of National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos
The National Orthopedic Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria is a leading medical institution and has a presence in 13 states across the country. The hospital provides high-quality orthopedic care for both adults and children. It also serves as a teaching hospital for many medical institutions in the country. The National Orthopedic Hospital has many departments, such as radiology, laboratory, orthopedic surgery, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. It also offers a range of services including outpatient services, long-term care, elective surgery, and preventative care. The hospital runs a number of programs and initiatives, such as a community-based rehabilitation program and a mobile medical unit. It also organizes free medical camps and community outreach activities. In addition, the hospital provides educational seminars and workshops. Finally, the hospital engages in research activities on the causes and treatment of orthopedic diseases.This place is famous for its haunted stories and hence tops the list of the scariest places on Earth.
Experience of people & Reviews of National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos
The National Orthopaedic Hospital in Lagos is one of the leading orthopaedic hospitals in the country. It is known for providing excellent care to patients with musculoskeletal ailments and disabilities and for having some of the most advanced medical equipment and facilities available in Nigeria. Patient reviews suggest that the hospital provides quality care and dedicated staff. Patients report that the staff are knowledgeable and friendly and go above and beyond to make sure that they are comfortable during their stay. Patients also praise the cleanliness and modern facilities within the hospital. Most patients also agree that the hospital provides timely appointments and efficient service, although some patients make note of long wait times and delays in treatment. Overall, the reviews of the National Orthopaedic Hospital in Lagos are very positive, with many patients claiming that the care they received was of a high quality and that they felt their needs were met.
FAQ'S of National Orthopaedic Hospital - Lagos
Q1. Where is the National Orthopedic Hospital situated?
A1. The National Orthopedic Hospital Lagos is located at Oba Akran Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Q2. How can I make an appointment?
A2. Appointments can be made online, by visiting the hospital, or by calling the hospital’s main number.
Q3. What services does the National Orthopedic Hospital offer?
A3. The hospital offers surgical, medical, and rehabilitative treatment for musculoskeletal disorders, as well as physical therapy, orthopedic bracing, and fracture care.
Q4. Is the hospital open on weekends?
A4. The emergency room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, most other services are only available during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
Q5. Does the hospital accept insurance?
A5. The hospital does accept insurance. Please contact your insurance provider for information on coverage.

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