Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

If you’re looking for a real horror story in Nova Scotia, head to Peggys Cove and take a look at the Peggys Point Lighthouse. This centuries-old lighthouse is steeped in horrific history, mysterious paranormal activities, and a history unlike any other. Join us as we explore the history behind this darkly-charming structure and unravel the secrets that still linger in the air around Peggys Point Lighthouse!

Horror Story of Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia
The Legend of Peggys Point Lighthouse
Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia is a sleepy little fishing village and tourist destination that is known for its picturesque lighthouse. But the lighthouse has a dark and mysterious past.
It is said that in the late 1800s a young woman named Peggy lived in the lighthouse with her family. Not much else is known about them except for the fact they kept mostly to themselves.
One day, as Peggy was walking along the shore, she saw something strange in the water. It was an old, battered ship that had run aground. She immediately noticed that there were no passengers on board; only the captain remained. He explained that his crew had deserted him and he had been forced to sail alone until the ship finally succumbed to the waves.
Peggy was a kind soul and felt pity for the man, despite his mysterious past. She brought him back to the lighthouse and the two formed a close bond. He eventually told her his story of a long-ago tragedy that had left him and his crew stranded and desperate. He became emotionally attached to Peggy and would not let her out of his sight.
Soon after, a series of strange happenings began at the lighthouse. Mysterious lights could be seen in the sky, and there were times when the sound of drums and mournful singing could be heard coming from the lighthouse. Before long, people in the village began to whisper tales of a ghostly figure that could be seen walking the shoreline at night.
The villagers claimed that during a storm one night, Peggy had taken to the shore and was seen standing in the surf. No one ever saw her again. The fear of the mysterious ghost kept many away from the area, and the lighthouse was eventually abandoned.
To this day, some people brave enough to venture to the lighthouse, say they still hear the sound of drums and singing, and see strange lights in the night sky. It is said that on certain nights, the figure of Peggy can still be seen standing on the beach, waiting.
History & Information of Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia
The iconic Peggys Point Lighthouse stands overlooking the picturesque fishing village of Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia. The lighthouse is a beacon for a dangerous part of the Atlantic coast, commonly known as the "Graveyard of the Atlantic." It stands atop a large rock, surrounded by the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
Built in 1868, the lighthouse is one of the oldest operating lighthouses in Nova Scotia and has become one of the most photographed attractions in the province. It was constructed to warn ships of the dangerous jagged rocks just offshore. The point and lighthouse are named after the widow, Margaret burner, who owned the land in the late 1700s.
The lighthouse was quiet a beacon of hope for sailors and fishermen for nearly a century until it was automated in 1962. The lighthouse is now powered with an array of solar panels providing a continuous light source to the waters off the coast of Nova Scotia.
The lighthouse has traditionally been painted red and white in a classic beacon tower fashion. But, beginning in 2019, the lighthouse was repainted with a bold azure blue to symbolize the spirit of the area and signify the connection that the lighthouse has to the sea.
The lighthouse is an important part of life in Nova Scotia and symbolizes the hope and resilience of all those who make a living off the sea. To this day, it stands proudly as a symbol of the province’s maritime heritage and a reminder of the power of the sea.There are famous stories about paranormal activities in hotels.
Paranomial Activity of Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia
Since 1868, Peggys Point Lighthouse in Nova Scotia has been a beacon of light for all who pass by the rocky shoreline. It has been the calling card of the beloved fishing village of Peggys Cove, welcoming those who have sailed from far and near to the beauty of this remarkable place.
The active light from Peggys Point Lighthouse is a flashing white light visible for 14 nautical miles. The light is produced by a renewable energy solar photovoltaic panel and a 12-volt battery which are used to operate a 25-watt halogen lamp.
The lens of the light is housed in the whitewashed hexagonal tower and fabricated with a French-made first-order Fresnel lens. The lens was originally manufactured in 1868 and installed in 1877 to increase the range of the light. This lens is one of only 4 that are still in existence in Canada.
In addition to the lighthouse activity, Peggys Point Lighthouse is a popular sightseeing attraction, having been the subject of postcards, art, and photographs for years. The buildings and grounds are open to the public and offer magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean from the seawall.As you step into this place, you can sense the uneasiness that further awaits your most haunted experience.
Experience of people & Reviews of Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia
People who have visited the Peggys Point Lighthouse at Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, have generally had very positive experiences. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the area, and reviews of it are consistently excellent.
Most visitors to the lighthouse have mentioned how beautiful it is. People love the fact that the lighthouse is located on a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. Many people have commented on how peaceful it is to sit and watch the waves crash against the rocks. The proximity of the lighthouse to the ocean also allows visitors to take in some amazing views of the Atlantic Ocean.
Most of the reviews also mention the fact that the grounds are very well maintained. The lighthouse was built in 1868 but it has been kept in pristine condition. From the cobblestone path to the lovely wooden benches, everything is in perfect condition. Visitors have also said that the grounds are nice to take a leisurely walk around.
Finally, people also appreciate the fact that the lighthouse, and the cliffs around it are a great place for photography. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but the sunsets here are said to be particularly stunning. Whether people are just taking a casual stroll around the lighthouse and cliffs or they are trying to capture a stunning sunset photo, they come away from Peggys Point Lighthouse with pleasure.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
FAQ'S of Peggys Point Lighthouse - Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia
Q. How old is the Peggys Point Lighthouse?
A. The current lighthouse structure was built in 1914 and is considered one of the most iconic lighthouses in Nova Scotia.
Q. What is the significance of Peggys Point Lighthouse?
A. Peggys Point Lighthouse has become one of the most photographed lighthouses in Canada. It has been given heritage status by the Canadian Federal Ministry of Culture, and is also a National Historic Site of Canada.
Q. How can I visit Peggys Point Lighthouse?
A. Peggys Point Lighthouse is located within Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia. It is open for public tours during summer months.
Q. What is the structure of the Peggys Point Lighthouse?
A. Peggys Point Lighthouse is constructed of concrete and painted white. It is a round tower-style building, 78 feet tall, with a fifth order Fresnel lens.This place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.

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