West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

West Point Lighthouse located near O'Leary, Prince Edward Island, is a unique place with a mix of horror story, history and paranomal activities, which makes it an interesting destination for tourists. The dark secrets of the lighthouse have made it a place deeply rooted in mystery. From it's first appearance in maps in 1871, to the ghostly stories surrounding it's past, this place is a must-visit for those seeking a unique travel experience.

Horror Story of West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
On a stormy night in summer of 1988, some teens from a local summer camp were visiting the West Point Lighthouse in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island. But the group of teens weren’t just there for the tourist opportunity; they had heard the local story about the tragic fate of the lighthouse’s former lighthouse keeper, Mr. Harding.
Centuries earlier, old Mr. Harding was working as the lighthouse keeper at the West Point Lighthouse. One fateful evening, the storm was much worse then old Mr. Harding expected and he was unable to bring the ship home to the harbour. He went to the lighthouse to signal it, attempting to bring the ship into land. Unfortunately, the storm was so fierce, his light couldn't be seen by the ship, and it was sunk.
It was said that old Mr. Harding felt it was his fault and that he was unable to save the innocent people aboard the ship. The guilt of his actions weighed heavy on the poor man's soul and it was said he never left the lighthouse. Now, people say that on the stormiest of nights, they can still hear him wandering the halls, crying out for the souls he could never save.
As the teens ventured closer to the lighthouse on their visit, they found no one tending to the grounds. They started to feel uneasy as they noticed that the posses of Mr. Harding seemed to be standing vigil, overlooking the grounds. The teens knew the legend and were apprehensive, but ultimately decided to stay for the night.
That evening the storm grew stronger and the wind rattled the lighthouse making a fearful sound. As the teens huddled in one bedroom in the lighthouse, they all started to hear strange noises that were not due to the storm outside. Footsteps from what seemed to be an old man were echoing all through the lighthouse, and the teens were frightened. Suddenly, they heard Mr. Harding's voice say, "The ship never should've sailed so close to shore and if only I'd shone the light..."
The screams of the teens as they scrambled out of the lighthouse could be heard for miles around. After gathering the teens, the camp counselors did some research and found out the history of Mr. Harding and the tragedy of his regretful past. The teens all vowed to never go to the West Point Lighthouse again.
Since that fateful night, people still swear they can hear Mr. Harding's restless soul roaming the halls of the lighthouse. If you ever visit West Point Lighthouse, you should keep an eye out for the ghostly figure of old Mr. Harding - a reminder of a horrible tragedy that looms in the present day.There are many mystery places in the world and this is one of them.
History & Information of West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
West Point Lighthouse, located in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island, was built in 1875. The lighthouse is a cylindrical wood tower, standing at 10.4 m (34 ft) in height with a red and a white broad band. It was built in response to the increasing shipping traffic in the area, which was at the time relied upon heavily for both personal travel and trade. The light was first lit on September 1, 1876.
The lighthouse underwent two major renovations over the years, first in 1912 and again in 1950 when asbestos panels were added to the tower. In 1988, the lighthouse was decommissioned and a smaller steel tower was installed to replace it. The original tower is still in place and is now a historical site, open to the public for tours.
The two-storey keeperís house that stands adjacent to the light has since been converted into a private residence. The lighthouse stands as a reminder to the important role it played in the development of the local area and in Prince Edward Island's history.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.
Paranomial Activity of West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
The West Point Lighthouse in O'Leary, Prince Edward Island is a landmark of the town's nautical history and is the oldest lighthouse in the province. Located near the entrance to the River Clyde, the lighthouse was constructed in 1874 and served to protect vessels sailing in and out of the bay for several decades. Today, the lighthouse is a popular attraction among tourists, offering views of the surrounding area, as well as access to the surrounding ecosystem. In addition to its historic significance, the West Point Lighthouse also plays a part in local business activities, providing nautical navigation services to fishermen, tour operators, and recreational boaters in the area. It also serves as a picturesque venue for weddings, dinners, and other events, helping to bring additional visitors to the area and boosting the local economy.
Experience of people & Reviews of West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
West Point Lighthouse is a popular destination for visitors to Prince Edward Island. Situated on a high rocky outcrop at the western tip of O’Leary, it is sought after by tourists who want to unwind from the hustle and bustle of life and appreciate the breathtaking views.
Visitors to West Point Lighthouse often comment on its stunning setting and spectacular landscape. The lighthouse is situated on a cliff facing the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by an array of natural beauty. People can get a great view of the ocean during the day or night, and the experience is often enhanced by the occasional sunsets.
Most visitors find the area to be quite peaceful, which helps draw them in even further. It can be a great spot for bird watching, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Plus, the beach is only a short distance away and is a great place to spend a day soaking up the sun.
Overall, the majority of people who have visited West Point Lighthouse speak highly of it and its surroundings. They appreciate its solitude, the stunning views, and all of the outdoor recreation opportunities nearby. As such, it is a popular destination which continues to draw more people each year.As you walk through the doors you could not help but wonder whether there are haunted places near me.
FAQ'S of West Point Lighthouse - O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
Q. What is the history of West Point Lighthouse?
A. The West Point Lighthouse was built in 1875 and automated in 1966. It is located in O'Leary, Prince Edward Island and is owned by the Canadian Coast Guard.
Q. What are the hours that I can visit the West Point Lighthouse?
A. The hours of operation for the West Point Lighthouse are from June 15 to September 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Q. Are there any special rates for groups?
A. Yes, groups of 10 or more will receive a discounted rate of $5 per person.
Q. Is the West Point Lighthouse wheelchair accessible?
A. Yes, the West Point Lighthouse is wheelchair accessible.
Q. Are there any other nearby attractions?
A. Yes, there are many nearby attractions in O'Leary and Prince Edward Island such as beaches, trails, golf courses, and museums. This place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.

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