Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Spanning the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, the Victoria Falls Bridge in Livingstone is renowned for its beauty but also for its spooky history and reports of paranormal activity. Many locals and visitors alike have experienced eerie occurrences on and near the bridge, earning it the nickname of the “bridge of horror.” Learn more about the bridge’s history and the mysteries that surround it in this blog post.

Horror Story of Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone
The bridge that spanned over Victoria Falls had a dark tale connected to it. For a long time, locals in Livingstone had warned nearby villagers to never cross the bridge, for if they did, they wouldn't come back.
Some did disobey the warnings just to see if the superstition was true, but those who did never returned.
The story goes that a local man named Thomas had stumbled upon a dark ritual during one of his travels away from Livingstone. He had witnessed a village of Africans who had crafted a bridge out of bone and sacrificed one of their own on it.
It is believed that this ritual was carried through time by the elders, connecting it to the Victoria Falls Bridge. In order to cross it without harm one must pay homage and give an offering to the spirits.
Those who did crossed with the blessing of the spirits, but those who failed to do so were never heard from again. No one knows what exactly awaits those unfortunate enough to venture on the bridge without a sacrifice, but it's said the matter of what lurks beneath the Victoria Falls Bridge is best left to the gods.As you walk through the doors you could not help but wonder whether there are haunted places near me.
History & Information of Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone
The Victoria Falls Bridge is a railway bridge and tourist attraction which crosses the Zambezi River just below the Victoria Falls. It connects the two countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe and has existed since 1905, when it was built by the British. As the bridge was the first bridge to cross the Zambezi River upstream of the Falls, it was a major engineering accomplishment at the time.
The bridge was built under the supervision of the famous engineer, George Andrew Hobson, who famously planned and carried out the Churchill and Kariba Hydroelectricity Projects. The Victoria Falls Bridge was actually the third bridge Hobson had built over the Zambezi, having previously built the Ngonye Falls Bridge and the Kariba Railway Bridge.
The bridge's design was very innovative, as it was the first cantilever bridge in the world to span a navigable river. For this reason, it was initially given the nickname of the 'Long Long Bridge' due to its impressive length of over 400 meters (1,312 feet).
The bridge was officially opened on 12th September 1905 in a ceremony presided over by Cecil Rhodes. It has since been used both by trains and tourists, with the bottom deck reserved for railway traffic and the top deck for pedestrians. The Victoria Falls Bridge is also a popular bungee jumping spot, offering breathtaking views of the river and the falls.
Today, the Victoria Falls Bridge is an important piece of engineering and historical heritage which attracts both locals and tourists alike. It is also a reminder of the British colonial influence in sub-Saharan Africa, and the significance of the Zambezi River in the development of the region.
Paranomial Activity of Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone
The Victoria Falls Bridge is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city of Livingstone, Zambia. The bridge spans the Zambezi River and connects Zambia with Zimbabwe. The area around the bridge is filled with outdoor activities such as bungee jumping, bridge tours, and thrilling guided slides. The bridge also serves as a starting point for river cruises and game drives through the Zambezi River National Park. The Victoria Falls Bridge is a major part of the Livingstone tourism industry, attracting thousands of visitors each year. With its unique and exciting activities, the bridge provides a great way to experience the natural beauty of Livingstone.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.
Experience of people & Reviews of Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone
On my recent trip to visit the Victoria Falls in Livingstone, Zambia, I had the privilege to experience the Victoria Falls Bridge. A truly exhilarating experience!
The bridge provided the perfect platform to get close to the awesome Victoria Falls, feeling all its raw power and majesty. You have a wonderful view of the falls, the gorge and of the lush scenery all around. The bridge also makes an excellent starting point for the various activities available in the area, such as bungee jumping, zip-lining and gorge-swinging.
The bridge itself has a romantic charm that stretches back to the early days of colonialism. You can feel the history and importance of the bridge as you walk across it. It was such a privilege to be able to experience the bridge up close!
The views of the Bridge from the sky deck were amazing. The staff was extremely helpful and friendly, pointing out the best views and areas to go to get the most photograph and video footage.
Overall, I had an unforgettable experience visiting the Victoria Falls Bridge and Livingstone. I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting the area.
FAQ'S of Victoria Falls Bridge, Livingstone
Q. How long is the Victoria Falls Bridge?
A. The bridge is 75 metres long and 10.5 metres wide.
Q. How old is the bridge?
A. The bridge was built in 1905 and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world.
Q. Is the bridge open to the public?
A. Yes, the bridge is open to the public and is used by both locals and tourists alike.
Q. Are there any restrictions on using the bridge?
A. Yes, the bridge is restricted to pedestrians only and no vehicles are allowed.
Q. Is there a fee to cross the bridge?
A. Yes, there is a fee of $10 USD per person to cross the bridge.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.

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