Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Visited the majestic and sprawling Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul? Then brace yourself for a horror story that has become part of its history - a mysterious and paranomial activities that will leave you stunned. Learn all about them in this blog.

Horror Story of Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
The Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul was the most beautiful and imposing structure in the city. However, the Turks who lived in the city had long heard stories of hauntings in the area surrounding it, and dread coming close to it.
It was said that in the years since Suleiman the Magnificent commissioned the Mosque's construction, a ghostly presence had taken up residence. At night, wails would echo through the streets and spectral figures were often seen drifting among the shadows of the Mosque.
One night, a young couple out for an evening stroll in the area decided to take a closer look at the building. As they neared the entrance, a cold chill ran down their backs. Not wanting to turn back, they continued onward, until a mechanical sound came from somewhere inside of the Mosque.
The couple quickly descended the stairs and began making their way through the darkness, looking for the source of the sound. Eventually, they came to a room with a mechanical contraption making strange clanking noises. The couple stood fascinated, until one of them suddenly made out a distant chanting, coming from somewhere else inside.
The couple crept through the corridors to investigate, when they came upon a small chamber housing an old man, bedecked in ragged clothes, and chanting an ancient and forgotten prayer. Overcome with fear, the couple backed away, only to find the old man's eyes glowing a deep red. With a wave of his hand, the old man froze them in place.
In that moment, he revealed his identity as the Suleymaniye Mosque's guardian spirit, sent by Suleiman the Magnificent himself, to make sure no one ever desecrated his beloved Mosque. The old man explained that all who have stepped foot inside of the Mosque and not followed the path of the one true God had been punished and cursed with eternal damnation.
The old man then told the couple that they had been blessed tonight, and that they could leave, never to come back. As they left, the old man uttered one last warning: "Do not forget, the Suleymaniye Mosque is haunted . . ."There are famous stories about paranormal activities in hotels.
History & Information of Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
The Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, is a famous monument of the Ottoman Empire. It was designed and constructed by the renowned Ottoman imperial architect Mimar Sinan and was initially completed in 1557. The mosque is the second-largest one in Istanbul, and is renowned primarily for its highly decorated and opulent interior.
The Suleymaniye Mosque was commissioned by Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent and is believed to be the finest example of Ottoman Islamic architecture in the city. The mosque is built upon a hill that affords it an impressive and majestic view of the city. The walls of the mosque are decorated with intricate tilework and are adorned with large stained-glass windows. Inside the mosque, visitors will be impressed by its sixty-five-meter-high central dome, flanked by four smaller domes.
The mosque also features four main columns with intricate carvings. The intricate woodwork and calligraphy in the interior add to the monumental grandeur of the mosque. There are also several tombs on grounds, including the tomb of Sultan Suleyman and his wife Hurrem Sultan.
The Suleymaniye Mosque is a popular destination for both locals and visitors to the city. It stands as a powerful reminder of the opulence and grandeur associated with the Ottoman Empire and serves as a testament to the religious and imperial power of the Sultan.This abundant place is the right contender in the list of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
The Suleymaniye Mosque is a famous Ottoman monument located in Istanbul and considered an important religious site. It is built on the orders of Sultan Suleyman I in 1557 and is the most magnificent of all Istanbul's mosques. The monumental stone complex includes a grand mosque, tombs of Sultan Suleyman and his family, a madrasa, various social facilities, a authentic bazaar, two tombs, and several other religious sites. The Suleymaniye Mosque attracts visitors from all over the world due to its architectural beauty, historical significance and spiritual activity.
Visitors can explore the current activity at the Suleymaniye Mosque by participating in traditional daily and special prayer services. The Mosque also serves as a major cultural center hosting various events such as concerts, seminars, conferences, and special activities dedicated to Islam. The Suleymaniye Mosque also provides a great opportunity to learn about traditional Ottoman culture and customs. Most notably, visitors can enjoy and learn from calligraphy workshops, learning about the Koran and Islamic calligraphy. Additionally, the Mosque also offers open tours for people unable to enter for prayer, which include the surrounding garden and tombs.
The Suleymaniye Mosque also engages in a wide range of charitable activities, including helping local impoverished families and providing education for orphans and homeless people. Additionally, the Mosque provides medical care to refugees and the elderly and helps build local clinics. Furthermore, the Suleymaniye Mosque works with other organisations to provide food, clothing, and other necessities for people of all ages and religions.
The Suleymaniye Mosque holds a special place in Istanbul’s collective memory and culture. It has survived numerous natural disasters, wars, and political changes, remaining an enduring symbol of religious devotion and spiritual activity in the city.
Experience of people & Reviews of Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
People who have visited the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul describe it as beautiful, awe-inspiring and majestic. Many visitors recount being awestruck by the intricately carved marble columns, the intricate details of the tile work, and the breathtaking view of the city from the terrace. The mosque allows visitors to explore its luxurious gardens and offers peace and serenity away from the hustle and bustle of the city. One reviewer calls it the “most impressive religious site in Istanbul,” while another dubs it “the pearl of Ottoman mosque architecture.” Visitors are impressed by the grandeur of the building and by “the wonderful feeling of serenity” it offers. For those looking to reconnect with their faith, the Suleymaniye Mosque is seen as a place where one can sit, reflect and be inspired. In some reviews, people tell of being moved to tears upon viewing the magnificent structure.Amidst the beautiful scenery, this place promises you the most haunted experience.
FAQ'S of Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul
Q: What is the Suleymaniye Mosque?
A: The Suleymaniye Mosque is a famous Ottoman mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was commissioned by the Ottoman ruler Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent and was built between 1550 and 1557. The mosque is considered one of the most important pieces of Islamic architecture in Istanbul and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Q: Where is the Suleymaniye Mosque located?
A: The Suleymaniye Mosque is located on a hill overlooking the Golden Horn in the Fatih district of Istanbul, Turkey.
Q: When was the Suleymaniye Mosque built?
A: The Suleymaniye Mosque was built between 1550 and 1557.
Q: Who designed the Suleymaniye Mosque?
A: The Suleymaniye Mosque was designed by the renowned Ottoman court architect Mimar Sinan.

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