Shalban Vihara, Comilla: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Located in the beautiful mystical land of Bangladesh, Shalban Vihara is an ancient Buddhist monastic complex shrouded in mystery and the dark histories hidden within its crumbling walls. From horror stories to recorded supernatural activities, this holy site intrigues and scares visitors who come to witness its ancient wonders. In this blog, let’s dive into the history, horror stories and paranormal activities of Shalban Vihara, Comilla.

Horror Story of Shalban Vihara, Comilla
The village of Shalban Vihara was a peaceful place, located far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was known for its natural beauty and for its friendly local people.
But there was a dark secret lurking in the shadows of this idyllic village. Locals had long whispered about strange sounds and sightings that seemed to come from an abandoned monastery deep within the woods. They called it the "Shalban Vihara".
No one had ventured too near the building for a long time, but one night curiosity got the better of a few brave souls. They decided to investigate the eerie locale and get to the bottom of it.
The group ventured into the old monastery and were immediately met with an overwhelming feeling of dread. The room seemed to become cold and dark as they stepped further into the depths of the building. They heard strange noises and whispers in the darkness that chilled them to the bone.
Then, out of the gloom, emerged an ancient monk. He told the terrified explorers that the monastery was cursed by an old witch. Any who sought to enter the Shalban Vihara were doomed to an eternity of horrors.
The monk vanished as quickly as he had appeared, leaving the group in silent terror. The few who had been brave enough to enter the monastery ran back home in terror, never to venture close to the cursed place again.
Legends of the Shalban Vihara went on to spread throughout the region and remain with the locals to this day. No one knows the true source of the terrible curse, but the thought of entering the mysterious monastery still strikes fear into the heart of any daring enough to wander close.It is one of the most haunted places in bangladesh
History & Information of Shalban Vihara, Comilla
Shalban Vihara, also known as Mahasthangarh Shalban Vihara or Shalban Bihar, is an archaeological site located in undivided Comilla district, Bangladesh. It is believed to have been an important center of Buddhist education and was established sometime in the 7th century. The site was first noticed by a British surveyor, Major Wilcox, in 1850 and its ruins were surveyed in 1915.
The ruins were discovered with an extensive amount of artifacts, including terracotta plaques depicting the life and stories of Lord Buddha, stone inscriptions, sculptures, and more. Many of the artifacts and sculptures date back to the Pala Dynasty. Of particular importance are two rock-cut inscriptions in the Brahmi and Pali scripts.
The site is also home to several stupas and vihars (monasteries), many of which are in ruins. Most of the stupas have been destroyed through time and natural elements, yet there is still evidence of their existence. Additionally, parts of the so-called elephant wall, which surround the grounds, are still visible.
Even though the site has seen better days, it is still visited by many tourists interested in its ancient history and unique artifacts. The ancient remains of Shalban Vihara are reminders of the city’s important Buddhist past. This makes it an important archaeological site that every visitor to Comilla should see.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Shalban Vihara, Comilla
The Shalban Vihara, located in Comilla, Bangladesh, is an important archaeological site and has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites for its historical and cultural significance in the region. This Buddhist vihara was established by the Pala Dynasty in the 8th century and is said to have been built by King Dharmapala. The remains of the complex are open to visitors today and consist of three monasteries, two stupas and a series of votive tablets. It is believed that the complex played an important role in the spread of Buddhism in the region and that its ancient Buddhist monuments can still be seen today. The site is a designated national heritage, making it a popular destination for travellers and tourists interested in learning more about the region’s history. A variety of activities are offered at Shalban Vihara, including temple and stupa tours, guided walks and talks, sightseeing, and even traditional yoga classes. Visitors can also take part in traditional ceremonies, such as Bodhi Puja and Purnima, which are held at the site.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Shalban Vihara, Comilla
The Shalban Vihara, also known as the Shalban Bihara or Shalban Monastery, is one of the most important archaeological sites in Bangladesh. Located in the district of Comilla, the ruins of the monastery are thought to date back to the era of the Pala Dynasty (750–1120 AD). The site is known for its well-preserved remains of Buddhist stupas and monasteries.
People visiting Shalban Vihara have mostly expressed admiration and appreciation for this historically significant archeological site. Some people have also voiced concerns about the lack of preservation and efforts to protect the ruins from further degradation, as well as the need for a more comprehensive restoration project. Visitors have also praised the lush green surroundings of the area, as well as the peaceful atmosphere of the site. Overall, people have found Shalban Vihara to be a wonderful destination for a peaceful day of exploration and discovery.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Shalban Vihara, Comilla
Q: What is Shalban Vihara?
A: Shalban Vihara is an ancient Buddhist monastery located in Comilla, Bangladesh. It was built in the seventh century CE by the great Buddhist king of the Pala empire, Dharmapala.
Q: What is the significance of Shalban Vihara?
A: Shalban Vihara is a very important archaeological site and is considered one of the earliest Buddhist monasteries in South Asia. It is one of the most celebrated monasteries of the Pala dynasty.
Q: What can I expect to see at Shalban Vihara?
A: Visitors can expect to see the ruins of the monastery, ruins of two structures within the monastery, and the ruins of an ancient stupa.
Q: Is there any other attractions in the area?
A: Yes, there are several other attractions in the area, including the Tin Kuri Hills, the remains of an ancient civilizational city, the Lalmisagar Lake, and the ancient Barak Valley.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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