Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, which translates to Santiago Penitentiary, is an abandoned prison in the capital city of Chile. As an incredibly dark slice of Santiago's history, it stands as an imposing reminder of a dark past. However, tales both horrific and paranormal have kept its legacy alive and visitors intrigued. Let's explore the history, horror story, and paranormal activities behind the walls of the Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago.

Horror Story of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago
The Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago was a grim, foreboding prison, known to its inmates as the "prison from hell." Most of the inmates were hardened criminals, serving out long sentences in the dank, dreary cells.
Rumors ran rampant about the horrors of the prison, often more terrifying than the truth. It was said that a ghostly presence haunted the grounds, with the specter of death looming in the shadows. Inmates whispered about ominous voices echoing through the corridors, and the stench of death and fear permeating the whole place.
But no one was willing to speak of what really went on in that place. It was a life that no one would want to experience. It was known that the cruelest of punishments were dealt to those who were unlucky enough to be locked up inside its walls.
No one knows what happened to the inmates who stayed there, only that their screams still haunt the halls. So heed this warning; never approach the Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, lest you be subject to its unspeakable horrors.After the mysterious death, this place is declared haunted.
History & Information of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago
The 18th century Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago building in Santiago, Chile is the oldest prison in the country. It was built in 1790, when Chile was under Spanish rule. The prison was designed as a place of public punishment and humiliation rather than a place of confinement. This was in line with the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1776, which was in effect during the colonial period.
The two-story building was made of adobe and lime, with a large bell tower at the center of its façade. The bell tower, which has been maintained and used to this day, dates back to 1800. It was designed to serve as a warning bell to the area members whenever a prisoner escaped or a crime was committed. Inside the prison there were cells, a dungeon, and a courtyard for public floggings, which normally occurred on Fridays.
At the end of the 19th century, there were plans to improve the prison, modernizing it according to new theories and regulations. However, the project was never completed and the building and its facilities remained largely unchanged.
The prison closed in 1969, when new regulations were put into effect that provided more humane conditions for prisoners. Since then, it has been used for different purposes, including a museum, an art gallery, and a theater. Its most recent use is as a cafe-bookstore.
Today, the Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago building is a place of culture and learning, and a reminder of Chile's colonial past. It is open to the public and can be visited by those interested in the history of Chilean justice.
Paranomial Activity of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago
The Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago is a former prison located in the heart of Santiago, Chile, that is now home to a variety of educational and cultural activities. The center organizes a variety of events, including art exhibitions, theatrical performance, film screenings, workshops, music performances, and literary talks.
The mission of the center is to serve as a platform for the exchange of culture and ideas, and to offer a space for dialogue and reflection. The center also serves as a workshop and laboratory for members of the public to explore their creativity, foster their artistic and literary ambitions, and to spark dialogue among members of the community.
The center has also hosted a range of educational activities, such as courses in metalworking, painting, photography, and literature. These courses are organized in collaboration with the local universities, allowing students to gain hands-on knowledge in these areas. The center also offers workshops and seminars on topics such as racial discrimination, gender and sexual diversity, and mental health.
Through its activities, the Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago is able to bring together people of different backgrounds, and to promote cultural exchange and a sense of community. The center is also an inspiration for those in the local community to embrace creativity and art, and to become more active citizens.Are you excited to explore places filled with mysteries? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place.
Experience of people & Reviews of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago
Many people who have travelled to the historic site of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago in Santiago, Chile, have had a positive experience. Visitors have said that the atmosphere is solemn yet warm, with a great variety of exhibits and artifacts that bring the long history of the prison to life. Tour guides have proven to be friendly and knowledgeable, offering detailed information about each exhibit and answering any questions that may arise. In addition, many visitors have commented that the museum itself is well kept and offers a meaningful cultural experience. All in all, it seems that this Chilean prison-turned-museum is a worthwhile destination, offering insight into the penal system of the past.If you are in an area near abundant houses then there is a huge possibility of you saying that there are haunted places near me.
FAQ'S of Ex Penitenciaría de Santiago, Santiago
Q: What is the Penitenciaría de Santiago?
A: The Penitenciaría de Santiago is a prison located in Santiago, Chile. It was built in 1835 and is one of the oldest prisons in the Americas. It holds inmates sentenced for serious crimes including murder, drug trafficking, and terrorism.
Q: How is Penitenciaría de Santiago different from other prisons?
A: The Penitenciaría de Santiago is known for its strict policy regarding discipline and security. It has a high rate of successful rehabilitations due to its focus on providing programs and support to inmates.
Q: What are the visiting hours at the Penitenciaría de Santiago?
A: Visiting hours are from 9:30am to 1:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday. All visitors must be registered at least 24 hours in advance.
Q: What kind of programs are offered at the Penitenciaría de Santiago?
A: The prison offers a variety of educational programs and activities that focus on teaching inmates skills that can be used after their release. These programs include: basic and advanced literacy classes, vocational training, mental health services, drug rehabilitation, spiritual guidance, job training, and arts and music classes.
Q: What type of security measures are in place at the Penitenciaría de Santiago?
A: The Penitenciaría de Santiago has a high level of security in place. The facility houses over 500 inmates and is monitored by armed guards. All visitors must pass through several levels of security checks before they are allowed to enter the facility.This place is famous for its haunted stories and hence tops the list of the scariest places on Earth.

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