Cementerio General, Concepción: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Cementerio General del Norte in Concepcion, Chile, has been a source of horror stories, historical lore, and paranormal activities for centuries. Located atop a steep hill, the cemetery was once the site of a great battle. Today, it's become a popular destination for thrill seekers and ghost hunters alike, with endless tales of unexplained phenomena and ancient superstitions.

Horror Story of Cementerio General, Concepción
There was an old and abandoned cemetery in the city of Concepción, Chile known as the Cementerio General. It had been all but forgotten by locals, and had been slowly left to deteriorate. One night, a group of travelers made the mistake of deciding to rest there for the night. The group didn’t last much longer than the sun had set, as a mist began to roll in and with it came the sounds of moaning and wailing.
The group quickly got back into their car and left, checking the rearview mirror to make sure they weren’t being followed. They could only make out figures emerging from the mist and shambling towards them. The next morning, they returned to the cemetery to investigate, but all they found were the horrific remains of what seemed to have been a massacre. There were body parts strewn about the grounds and an unnatural chill in the air. They never stayed there again, and no one ever found out what caused the massacre. To this day, the Cementerio General remains a place shrouded in mystery and terror.
History & Information of Cementerio General, Concepción
, Chile
Cementerio General de Concepción, also known as Cementerio General de la ciudad de Concepción, is located in the city of Concepción, in the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins region of Chile. The cemetery is managed by the municipal government of Concepción and has been in operation since 1843.
The cemetery houses the remains of some of the most important individuals related to the history of Chile. This includes Arturo Prat (a military hero who perished during the War of the Pacific), President Germán Riesco and poet Pablo Neruda, who is buried in the family mausoleum. Among the 2,800 graves are those of the first president of Chile, Manuel Bulnes, and most of the presidents, members of the Political Directorate, governors who served in the region and distinguished citizens, such as Isidora Aguirre.
Cementerio General de Concepción is a place of historically and culturally important landmark in the city and serves as a reminder of those who left lasting legacies for what is now the modern nation of Chile.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.
Paranomial Activity of Cementerio General, Concepción
1. Guided tours: The cemetery offers guided tours that give visitors an in-depth look at the history of the cemetery and its famous personalities.
2. Historical Talks: The cemetery also provides educational talks about local and national history. Visitors can learn about the area's past and the many people who contributed to its development.
3. Art Marathons: The cemetery has hosted various art marathons where local artists create sculptures and murals that reflect on the historical events and people of the area.
4. Art Galleries: Focused on the artworks created during the art marathons, the cemetery also hosts exhibitions and galleries showcasing the works of local and national artists.
5. Music Concerts: The cemetery also hosts live music concerts featuring local and international artists.
6. Candlelight Vigils: The cemetery is the perfect backdrop for candlelight vigils to remember past and present loved ones who have passed away.
Experience of people & Reviews of Cementerio General, Concepción
Cementerio General in Concepción is widely considered one of the most disquieting places in South America. Located at the edge of the city, the graveyard is a vast expanse divided into nearly 60,000 rectangular plots. Visitors have described the cemetery as ‘unnerving’ and ‘eerily silent’ due to the sheer number of tombstones, crypts and memorial markers. One of the most famous memorials in the graveyard is the Tumba de los Inocentes, a solemn monument dedicated to the victims of the 1910 earthquake and tsunami that ravaged concepción. Visitors have also praised the cemetery’s well-kept gardens and its expansive plazas, which house a multitude of statues to Chile’s war heroes, artists and brave citizens. Those visiting on a vacation or business trip will find numerous local cafes and restaurants near the cemetery’s entrance, allowing them to enjoy a meal or cup of coffee while reflecting upon the cemetery’s solemn atmosphere. All in all, Cementerio General in Concepción is an interesting, yet unsettling, place to explore.
FAQ'S of Cementerio General, Concepción
, Chile
Q1: What is the address of the Cementerio General in Concepción, Chile?
A1: The address of the Cementerio General in Concepción, Chile is Avenida Robles 1545, Concepción, Chile.
Q2: What are the visiting hours to the Cementerio General?
A2: The visiting hours to the Cementerio General are from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Q3: What services are offered at the Cementerio General?
A3: The services offered at the Cementerio General include plots, graves, mausoleums, and grave maintenance.

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