Nicosia International Airport (abandoned): Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Once known as a bustling airport, the abandoned Nicosia International Airport in Cyprus has since been the topic of much fascination, speculation and heart-stoppingly intense horror and paranormal activity stories. Whether it was the decades of abandonment that caused the haunted vibes, or if there are much more paranormal explanations, today we will uncover the stories of horror, history and paranormal activities surrounding the Nicosia International Airport.

Horror Story of Nicosia International Airport (abandoned)
It had been a decade since Nicosia International Airport had been left abandoned, and the locals knew better than to venture anywhere near it at nightfall. But for a group of thrill-seeking teens, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a spooky tale.
When the teens arrived at the airport, they encountered an eerie stillness that made them feel like they were the only living things in the world. Squinting their eyes, they could make out the tattered remains of the airport’s glory days, but no one dared enter any of the buildings.
The teens decided to explore the area a bit more, even though they could feel an icy chill in the air as they moved forward. As they rounded a corner, they were horrified to find a group of ghosts standing in the middle of the runway. The teens froze in their tracks, unable to move as the spirits started their mournful wailing.
One of the ghosts, a woman in a torn dress, stepped forward and pointed a bony finger towards the sky. In a low voice, she said, “It was he who abandoned us…he who never returned…he who doomed us to haunt this abandoned place forever.” And with that, the group of ghosts faded away into the night.
The teens ran back to town, their minds filled with tales of terror and dread. But to this day, no one knows why the ghosts of Nicosia International Airport remain, waiting for their master to return and free them from their cursed fate.
History & Information of Nicosia International Airport (abandoned)
Nicosia International Airport (also known as the Larnaca International Airport) was established in the 1950s in the capital city of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia. It was the only airport in Cyprus until 1975 when it became a military air base.
The airport was initially used to facilitate flight routes for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) as well as British Kalifornian Airways (BAK) for the transportation of British citizens living in the region; after the Second World War, this number had increased substantially.
The airport was closed down in 1974 because of the civil war that had engulfed the country. It was officially reopened in 1980, but it was shut down again in 1987 when the division of North and South Cyprus became absolute.
The airport served mainly as a transit stop for charter services and was not regularly served by any airlines. Since its closure, the airport has been largely abandoned and has become an unexpected nature reserve. The site is home to herons, storks, hawks, and many other species of plant and animal life.
The Nicosia International Airport has since become an important historical relic for the citizens of Cyprus, a reminder of the decades of struggle and hardship experienced by the people of the island nation. The airport is still used for special events, such as air shows, and is the site of a memorial for the missing persons from the civil war.
In 2004, the European Union began a project to re-open and re-activate the airport. In 2005, the airport opened its first commercial service, operated by Cyprus Airways, using the name LaKi Airport. The airport continued operating internationally until 2008 when once again the Nicosia International Airport was abandoned due to the global economic crisis.
Currently, the airfield remains abandoned, and the future of this once bustling airport is unclear.It is one of the most horror places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Nicosia International Airport (abandoned)
The Nicosia International Airport (NIA) was a major civilian and military airport located just north of the city of Nicosia in Cyprus. The airport was originally opened in 1940 and by the 1980s it had become the busiest airport in the island nation.
In 1974, the Turkish army invaded and occupied the northern part of the country, leading to the airport’s gradual closure. By 1998 the airport had shut down completely and all passenger flights were diverted from Nicosia International Airport to other Cypriot airports and airports in nearby countries such as Turkey.
In the years since its closure, the Nicosia International Airport (NIA) has become an important landmark in the city of Nicosia and has become a popular tourist destination for those interested in modern military and aviation history. Today, it serves as a multi-functional site for events such as movie screenings, concerts and conferences, and is the site of the annual Aviation and Aerospace Expo Cyprus.
The airport has also become a popular site for urban exploration and has been used as a filming location for various television shows and movies such as the BBC’s Sherlock and Skyfall. More recently, the abandoned terminal has become a popular tourist attraction, with hundreds of people visiting each year to explore its grounds and snap photos of its decaying infrastructure.
The Nicosia International Airport will always remain an important part of Cypriot history, providing visitors from across the world with an opportunity to learn about the airport’s past life and its role in the country’s long and turbulent struggle for independence.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world
Experience of people & Reviews of Nicosia International Airport (abandoned)
Although Nicosia International Airport has been abandoned for over 30 years, some people remember fond memories of the once operating airport. Travellers have shared their experiences of the airport when it was open, citing it as being a relatively small but adequate facility with friendly and attentive staff.
It appears that the airport had an overall pleasant experience for passengers, as memories of good customer service and a brisk but efficient arrival/departure process have been regularly cited. Cleanliness is also remembered favourably, with little evidence of pollution ever having been seen at the airport. Some customers even expressed a liking for the service provided by the duty free shops, although others say that the selection was limited.
On the other hand, some people have posted negative reviews of the airport, often voicing concerns over the quality of the aircrafts that were used for flights. Passengers on older planes have expressed fears of malfunction and questioned whether the aircrafts were properly maintained. In addition, some customers have complained that the airport felt outdated, citing the small visitors’ lounge and lack of other modern amenities for an international facility.
Overall, the Nicosia International Airport appears to have been a pleasant facility, but the negative reviews may indicate that its operations could have been improved in certain areas.
FAQ'S of Nicosia International Airport (abandoned)
Q1. What is Nicosia International Airport?
A1. Nicosia International Airport was a primary airport located in Lefkoniko, Cyprus. The airport was abandoned in 1974 due to the ongoing conflict between Turkey and Cyprus.
Q2. How long was Nicosia International Airport open?
A2. Nicosia International Airport was opened in 1939 and closed in 1974.
Q3. What is the current state of Nicosia International Airport?
A3. The airport is abandoned and in a state of disrepair. There is an active military presence in and around the area which restricts access.
Q4. Is there any possibility of reopening Nicosia International Airport?
A4. Reopening the airport is highly unlikely due to the ongoing conflict between Turkey and Cyprus, and the military presence in the area.When you walk through this place, the sense of forebore will grow strong and foreshadow your most haunted experience.

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