Château de Surré, Surré: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Château de Surré is an intimidating castle located in the small village of Surré in France. It's a place shrouded in mystery with roots in horror, history, and paranormal activity. The castle has been labeled as one of France's most haunted places. From cursed spirits lurking in the passages of the castle to unexplainable occurrences, this castle is one experience you don't want to miss!

Horror Story of Château de Surré, Surré
Once upon a time, there lived a noble family in the picturesque Château de Surré, Surré.The castle was most beautiful and grand, and was located in the heart of a medieval town.
The family found peace and tranquility within its walls, until one fateful night. A strange fog rolled in giving the icy night an eerie stillness. As they prepared for bed, the family heard a menacing howl from the deepest part of the forest.
At first they tried to ignore the strange noise, but soon the Lady of the Castle heard a whisper in her ear. It seemed to beckon her to come outside her castle walls. Despite warnings from her family that something was amiss, she followed the disembodied voice and ventured outside.
Upon coming out of the castle, the Lady of the Castle found herself in an unfamiliar dark and murky swamp. In the middle of the bog sat an old abandoned mill, illuminated by a single flickering candle in its window.
The Lady of the castle decided to investigate and stepped inside the decrepit structure. Inside the shadowy building, she discovered the macabre remains of her family’s past.
The skeletal remains of her ancestors surrounded the mill in a grim ritualistic gathering. It was then that the whisper in her ear returned and proclaimed “Everything that you have taken will be taken from you”.
The Lady of the Castle immediately ran back to the safety of her castle, vowing never to disobey the warnings which her family had warned her.
This was but one of the mysterious events reported at Château de Surré, Surré that tell of the terrifying tales of the cursed castle and its dark history. To this day, no one knows who or what lurks in the shadows or what secrets lurk within its walls.There are many mystery places in the world and this is one of them.
History & Information of Château de Surré, Surré
Château de Surré is a former castle located in the commune of Surré, of the Loire-Atlantique department in the Pays de la Loire region in France. It is located 18km south of Nantes and 12km northwest of Savenay.
The castle of Surré was built in the 15th century and it belonged to the Daugieu family. It was purchased in 1591 by Jean de Paulmy, originally from Veille who acquired 36 seigneuries in and around the county of Anjou. In 1769, Michel Paulmy, known as de Montaigne, married Marie de Rohan, and the Surré castle became the family estate. His son, the Comte de Montaigne, sold the castle to the count of Florisoone in 1822. The Desprès family of Lapérière acquired the castle in 1860.
In the 19th century, the Château de Surré was sold to the Desblache family, who owned it until the Second World War. The castle was badly damaged by fire in 1941, and was later restored by a local architect.
Today, the castle is privately owned, and it is used as a holiday home. It has been listed as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture since 1926.
The Château de Surré is a large medieval castle with a rectangular plan with four towers in the corners and a large oak gate in the south. It has a tall portico and two bay windows. The interior of the castle includes a large hall, a grand staircase, and two large fireplaces. The castle also has a park and an outbuilding.
The castle is built of local stone and is surrounded by a wide moat. The back of the castle overlooks a lake and a park of 3 hectares.
The castle of Surré is open to the public, and it can be visited on weekends from April to October.
See also
* Château de Savenay
* List of castles in France
Category:Castles in France
Category:Monuments historiques of Pays de la Loire
Category:Buildings and structures in Loire-Atlantique
Paranomial Activity of Château de Surré, Surré
The Château de Surré is a place of historical and cultural importance in the small town of Surré, France. Located on a hill overlooking the small town, the château has been a tourist draw for hundreds of years. Today, visitors to the chateau can explore the ancient architecture of the structure, take tours of the grounds, and enjoy a picnic in the nearby park. There is also a museum that visitors can explore, which houses a fascinating collection of the area's artifacts and historical items. In addition to its physical attractions, the chateau is home to several annual events, such as the Surré French Market, the Surré Summer Festival, and the Surré Antiques Fair. With its beautiful gardens and breathtaking views, the Château de Surré is an important part of the cultural and historical fabric of the region, and its activities are sure to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone who visits.
Experience of people & Reviews of Château de Surré, Surré
, France
The Château de Surré in Surré, France is a beautiful castle and a popular destination for visitors from around the world. According to travelers, the castle makes for a great day out. People describe the castle as a “beautiful castle surrounded by lush green lawns and stunning forest views.”
The interior of the castle is decorated with beautiful antiques and paintings. Visitors can explore the castle and take in the history of the building, as well as the period room furniture, tapestries, chandeliers and paintings.
The grounds of the castle are also a great way to explore the area. People report that the beautiful grounds offer stunning views of the Loire river and the surrounding forests and villages.
In addition to exploring the castle and the grounds, visitors can also enjoy a delicious four-course meal prepared by a professional chef. This is a great way to end the day and an unforgettable dining experience.
Overall, visitors to the Château de Surré report great experiences, wonderful meals and beautiful grounds. It is a great destination with a lot to offer, and is a fantastic day out for visitors from around the world.
FAQ'S of Château de Surré, Surré
Q: Where is the Château de Surré located?
A: The Château de Surré is located in Surré, France.
Q: How much is the admission to the Château de Surré?
A: The admission is 7€ for adults and 4.50€ for children under 12.
Q: What are the opening hours?
A: The castle is opened from April till October, Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am till 5pm.
Q: What is there to do at the Château de Surré?
A: Visitors can explore the castle's garden, visit the exhibitions and enjoy guided tours.You can visit this haunted place during the daytime.

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