Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Have you ever heard of Sacro Monte di Varallo? Located in a small northern Italian town of Varallo, Sacro Monte has a dramatic history, as well as paranormal activities associated with it. It can be quite a horror story. Nevertheless, this place is definitely worth a visit to learn about its compelling past, while still keeping the adventurous spirit alive!

Horror Story of Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo
, Italy
Once upon a time, there was a place in Italy called Sacro Monte di Varallo. It was a place of great beauty where pilgrims would flock from all over the world to visit and experience its serene atmosphere.
However, according to ancient lore, this peaceful place of natural beauty was not always so tranquil. Hundreds of years ago, a woman called Calista, a powerful witch, inhabited the Monte.
Calista was known to practice dark magic and summon dark spirits. She also had a penchant for human sacrifice and it was said that anyone who passed through the Monte near midnight on a full moon, would either be thrown into a deep dark pit or else dragged into Calista’s chamber and sacrificed.
As the months went by, more and more pilgrims began to go missing and rumors of Calista's dark rituals spread far and wide. Fearing for their lives, the locals decided to take action and went to the mountain with a group of brave knights.
The battle was bloody and difficult and many brave men lost their lives in the attempt to drive out Calista and her minions. In the end, the knights were successful and Calista was vanquished.
Since that night, the Sacro Monte di Varallo has been a peaceful and safe place, but some say if you visit the Monte during a full moon, you may still be able to hear Calista’s cries for revenge.
History & Information of Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo
Sacro Monte di Varallo (literally Holy Mount of Varallo) is a Roman Catholic devotional complex in the town of Varallo Sesia in the Province of Vercelli in Piedmont, northern Italy. Built in the 16th century, it is one of nine groups of chapels among monumental Sacri Monti in Piedmont, Lombardy and Liguria with inscriptions from UNESCO World Heritage List since 2003. It is considered a vital part of Piedmont culture.
Sacro Monte di Varallo lies atop a mountain 800 meters above sea level, surrounded by scenic forests of chestnut and pine. The complex is made up of 38 chapels, connected by stairs and now serviced by a cable car. In December 1583, the Franciscan friar Bernardino Caimi established a pilgrimage site on the mountain and, within two years, had built the first 15 chapels. He detailed religious acts and wrote about the life of Jesus. Over the centuries, the site has grown and now includes a richly decorated main church flanked by a bell tower, sacristy and other structures.
The chapels of Sacro Monte di Varallo feature a wide variety of sculptures and paintings depicting scenes from the lives of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. The process of art creation began in the early 17th century, and numerous famous names are represented, including Francesco Butinone, Gregorio De Ferrari, Antonio Vassilacchi, and the Giaquinto brothers.
Sacro Monte di Varallo plays an important role in the cultural and religious life of locals. Each festival and holiday is celebrated with religious manifestations taking place around the chapels and the main church, such as the festivities of the palm’s Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter and Pentecost.
Today, visitors to Sacro Monte di Varallo can take in the breathtaking view of the Sesia Valley while enjoying the sculptures and frescoes of each chapel. The mountain is also home to a museum which contains religious artifacts and information about the site’s history.
Sacro Monte di Varallo is considered one of the most important sacred sites in Italy and has become a popular pilgrimage site for tourists and the faithful alike.
Paranomial Activity of Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo
The Sacro Monte di Varallo, located in the town of Varallo, Italy, is a site of religious and historical significance. It is composed of several chapels which contain a total of 45 historical artworks depicting events from the life of Jesus. The site has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site status due to its importance in the history of Christianity in Italy.
The Sacro Monte di Varallo is also an important spiritual site for pilgrims who visit the area. The hill where the chapels are located is known as “The Sacred Mountain of Varallo”. It is believed that the chapels were built in the late 15th and early 16th centuries as a spiritual monument commemorating the life of Jesus. Visitors have the opportunity to walk between the chapels and take in the stories being told through the artwork and statues inside.
In addition to its religious significance, the Sacro Monte di Varallo is also an important example of art and architecture from this period. The exterior of the chapels are decorated with elaborate frescoes and sculptures depicting biblical scenes. Inside, visitors can find ornate altars, tabernacles, and Renaissance-style paintings that are a testament to the artistic skill of the region. Each chapel has its own style and provides visitors with a unique perspective on religious history.
The activities at the Sacro Monte di Varallo are vast and varied. Visitors can spend time walking or hiking around the area, admiring the artwork inside the chapels, and taking part in special events and spiritual retreats. There are also special tours that provide insight into the historical and cultural significance of the site. Additionally, there are guided tours available to visitors that provide additional information on the artwork and sculptures seen throughout the Sacro Monte di Varallo.
Experience of people & Reviews of Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo
People generally tend to have positive reviews about the Sacro Monte di Varallo. People speak highly of the majestic architecture and incredible scenery, noting the abundance of stunning frescoes, statues, and chapels. They have praised the nature of the area, with people describing the atmosphere as being serene and peaceful. Many people have also mentioned the variety of activities in the area and enjoy the wide range of restaurants and holiday accommodation nearby. Most people have admired the beauty of the place and love that it is possible to visit and explore a piece of Italian history.
FAQ'S of Sacro Monte di Varallo, Varallo
Q. What is the Sacro Monte di Varallo?
A. The Sacro Monte di Varallo is a Catholic pilgrimage site in northern Italy, located in Varallo Sesia. It is comprised of a series of chapels, courtyards, and lakes, depicting the life of Jesus as a series of tableaus and frescoes.
Q. How old is the Sacro Monte di Varallo?
A. The Sacro Monte di Varallo was created in 1490 by Bernardino Caimi, a Franciscan monk.
Q. What kind of activities are available at the Sacro Monte di Varallo?
A. The Sacro Monte di Varallo has a number of activities for visitors including guided walks, religious ceremonies, and cultural events. It is also a popular destination for tourists, as it provides a unique insight into the culture and history of the region.
Q. Is there a fee for visiting the Sacro Monte di Varallo?
A. There is no fee for visiting the Sacro Monte di Varallo but donations are recommended to help cover upkeep costs.

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