Kantara Castle, Famagusta: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Kantara Castle of Famagusta has an interesting and enthralling history of horror, history, and paranormal activities. It is a castle shrouded in whispered secrets and myths which have now manifested into tangible experiences. Read on to discover the mysterious background of Kantara Castle and the unexplainable activities that occur on its grounds.

Horror Story of Kantara Castle, Famagusta
The Kantara Castle in Famagusta is said to be a place of great tragedy and peril. Visitors who approach the area within its walls are met with a blanket of fear that freezes them in place.
Stories of screaming ghouls and vengeful spirits haunt the castle that was once a place of refuge and safety for those who sought protection within its walls. These are the tales that those who have dared to venture inside tell.
One night, a traveler and his guide, traveling together through the area, stopped for the night at the Kantara Castle. Upon arriving, the traveler noticed a strange and powerful aura that seemed to hang over the area. He and his guide knew that something was not quite right.
Despite this feeling, the two decided to stay for the night. That was when all the terror began. The sounds of strange voices calling out from the walls of the castle filled the air and the traveler felt as though a chill had reached out and taken hold of his heart.
Throughout that night, the traveler and his guide discussed the strange feeling they had experienced at the castle. Spirits seemed to be calling out from it, begging to be released. The sound of screams and low moans also echoed through the air, adding to the terror that they felt.
They clung to each other and prayed, hoping to make it through the night without succumbing to the terrifying power that seemed to haunt the castle.
By morning, it had been a long and frightening night that neither would ever forget. As they prepared to leave, the traveler was the first to enter the castle. That was when he saw it.
A ghostly figure in a white robe stood in the center of the castle, silently observing him. Terrified, he ran back towards his guide and they left the castle never to return.
To this day, the Kantara Castle remains a place shrouded in mystery and fear. Those who are brave enough to venture near will be met with an ominous warning – if you are brave enough to enter, you may not be brave enough to escape.
History & Information of Kantara Castle, Famagusta
Kantara Castle is a Crusader castle in Famagusta, Cyprus. It is located on the Kyrenia Range, on the Kyrenia-Nicosia road, at an altitude of 564m. The castle is thought to have been founded in the late 11th century by the Byzantines, and was later re-fortified and expanded by the Crusaders. The castle served as a prison during the 15th century, and was also a refuge for the Christian refugees who were expelled from the city during the Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in 1571. The castle was then abandoned and fell into ruin.
The remains of Kantara Castle still dominate the road from Nicosia to Kyrenia. It consists of two towers, one rectangular and one circular, linked by an enclosed courtyard. The cylindrical tower, located at the north-east corner of the fort, was originally a citadel and served as the main residence of the castle’s rulers. The rectangular tower to the south-east was constructed in the 13th century and served as the main entrance to the castle. Other parts of the castle include a drawbridge, a chapel, and a cistern.
Today, the castle is open to the public and is a popular tourist attraction. The site is regularly used to host concerts, art exhibitions, and other events.
Kantara Castle is part of the historical monuments of the area and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Karpas Peninsula. Kantara Castle is an important part of Famagusta’s heritage and offers visitors the opportunity to appreciate the history and culture of the region.
Kantara Castle is a clear reminder of the intricate history of Cyprus; its walls have witnessed the struggles and triumphs of the island over the centuries. As such, the castle is a source of pride and inspiration for all Cypriots.
Paranomial Activity of Kantara Castle, Famagusta
Kantara Castle in the ancient city of Famagusta is one of the most important and well-preserved historical monuments in Cyprus and the wider region of the eastern Mediterranean. The castle sits atop a hill near the old city of Famagusta, and has a complex and eventful history.
Its origins are believed to go back as far as the 6th century BC, when it was known as Kalokroma, a defensive site where the inhabitants of nearby cities could take refuge against pirate attacks. During the Middle Ages, Kantara was fortified and rebuilt several times by the various ruling empires. During this period, it served as a dazzling symbol of the power of these empires, and as an immensely efficient defensive fortress.
In the 1500s, under the rule of the Ottomans, the castle was renovated and strengthened to defend the city from attack. During this period, Kantara was a strategic point, controlling access to the city and guarding the harbor. It remained this way until the Ottomans lost control of Famagusta in 1571.
Kantara Castle was used for military purposes again during the 1878-1879 Ottoman-Russian War, when it was used by the British troops to launch a number of successful raids on Famagusta.
In modern times, Kantara Castle has become a popular tourist attraction in Famagusta, where visitors can explore its complex architecture and impressive history. It is the perfect location for visitors to take in the views of the city below and the stunning coastline. Tours are available which include entry into the castle, and a guide can provide an interactive and interesting experience.
Experience of people & Reviews of Kantara Castle, Famagusta
The Kantara Castle in Famagusta has attracted many tourists over the years. People have described it as a beautiful castle with an interesting history. Many people have experienced the castle by visiting it and viewing the historic artefacts, as well as exploring the the castle grounds. There is much to appreciate, including the grand view of the port city of Famagusta.
People who have visited the Kantara Castle have reported having a wonderful time exploring the castle grounds and taking in the sights. Many have said that they were in awe of the architecture and the history behind the castle. Some have also mentioned the pleasant and hospitable staff who work there.
Overall, the Kantara Castle in Famagusta has been highly praised by visitors, who appreciate its unique history and beautiful views. While visiting the castle is an interesting experience for all, it is particularly enjoyable for those interested in architecture and Cyprus' past.
FAQ'S of Kantara Castle, Famagusta
Q: What is the history of Kantara Castle?
A: Kantara Castle was constructed in the 7th century and served as the easternmost outpost of Byzantine power in the area. It was besieged and captured by the Saracens after the fall of Famagusta in 1371. During the Ottoman period, it was used as a garrison and prison and was extensively refurbished to its current state in 1625.
Q: When is the best time to visit Kantara Castle?
A: The best time to visit Kantara Castle is during the New Year period, when the castle is illuminated with festive lights and a stunning fireworks display.
Q: What type of activities can I do at Kantara Castle?
A: Visitors to Kantara Castle can enjoy various activities, including exploring the castle’s ruins, admiring the views from the top of the keep, or even taking a guided tour.
Q: Is there any admission fee to visit Kantara Castle?
A: YES, there is an admission fee to visit Kantara Castle.This place tops the list of one of the most mysterious places in the world.

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