Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Explore the horror, history, and paranormal activities found at the eerie Cimitero delle Fontanelle in Naples. Situated in the city's Materdei neighborhood for over four centuries, this archaeological cemetery is home to thousands of skulls and bones that have been known to bring fear and curiosity from visitors all around the world.

Horror Story of Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples
Once upon a night, a young couple walked hand in hand towards the Cimitero delle Fontanelle in Naples, Italy. The old cemetery had a history steeped in mystery and myth. People told stories about the place being haunted by ghosts and other spiritual entities.
The couple slowly made their way through the cemetery and to their surprise, they found numerous lamps lit and jars scattered around. They soon realized that someone was present in the vicinity.
Suddenly, a mysterious figure stepped out of the shadows and approached them. The stranger claimed that he was the spirit of an ancient Roman Etruscan, who had been cursed to haunt the cemetery until the end of time. He also shared a chilling tale of a thousand-year-old secret deep within the graveyard.
After listening to the story, the horrified couple ran out of the cemetery in fear. As they ran, they could feel the ghostly presence following them. To their relief, they made it out of the cemetery alive.
The couple never returned to the Cimitero delle Fontanelle and neither explained what had happened there. All that remains is a chilling tale of a mysterious spirit and a haunting secret deep within its walls.
History & Information of Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples
The Cimitero delle Fontanelle (English: Cemetery of the Fontanelle) is an ossuary in Naples, located in the districts of Materdei and Pagani, and is one of the most famous burial places of the city, especially for the belief of the Neapolitans in the cult of their deceased.
The cemetery, built on an area of two hectares, was opened in 1656, when activity around the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia of Materdei, located nearby, increased its activity and it was not possible to accommodate all the dead in the available areas.
The cemetery is located in an area of the former quarries of tufa of Materdei, when the activity was abandoned due to the depletion of the tufa, there were large underground caves and above all huge depressions whose shape reminded the Latin word Fontanelaeus (a basin of the fountain). At first it was called the " Cemetery Fontanelle" but with time, the complex became known as "Il Cimitero delle Fontanelle".
The cemetery is equipped with a crypt and by a monumental entrance, built in the nineteenth century. Inside there are the graves of the subjects, many of which have become objects of worship of the Neapolitan populace. The ossuary is divided into two sectors, that of the adults and that of the children, which is the best known because of the belief that the souls of children here could pass the gates of paradise more easily and therefore exude a special grace; the most popular today is the figure of the "Crying Angel" or "Regina dell'Ossario" (Queen of the Ossuary).
The cult of the Fontanelle, or "Cult of the Dead" as it is more popularly known, first began in the 18th century and experienced a rebirth in the 19th century. One of the main figures in the cult of the dead was the Abbot Giuseppe Celestino Eritreo, better known as Don Celestino, who was responsible for the gathering of the remains of the dead from the cemetery of La Gogna and transporting them to Fontanelle. In doing so, he effectively endowed the ossuary with a cult status, creating a focal point for believers who brought offerings and lit candles in the hope of having their prayers answered.
Today, the Cimitero delle Fontanelle remains a place of veneration and a source of local superstition and lore. Thousands of people still make the pilgrimage to the cemetery each year to leave offerings and light candles in an effort to communicate with the souls of the deceased. The ossuary remains a fascinating reminder of the strong beliefs and rituals that are associated with death and bereavement in Naples.This abundant place in London is considered the most haunted place in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples
Cimitero delle Fontanelle is an old century cemetery located in Naples, Italy. It is a popular tourist attraction as well as an important religious and cultural site. In terms of paranomial activity, the cemetery has been said to be haunted by the spirits of those buried there, as well as demons and other mischievous entities. Visitors to the cemetery have reported experiencing a variety of paranormal phenomenon such as eerie noises, cold spots, mysterious lights, ghostly figures, and strange smells. Some have even reported items being thrown at them by unseen forces, and some have even claimed to have seen the spirits of the graveyard's inhabitants walking among the bones. While there is no concrete evidence of paranormal activity at Cimitero delle Fontanelle, it remains one of the most enchanting and mysterious sites in all of Italy.
Experience of people & Reviews of Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples
Cimitero delle Fontanelle is an ossuary in Naples, Italy. Visitors report that the cemetery is a fascinating and almost surreal experience. Visitors describe the crypts and skeletons as eerie but fascinating. Some visitors have found the experience to be calming, with its peaceful atmosphere and views of the city. Others find it to be profound, a reminder of life and death and the finite nature of human existence. Many visitors describe the experience as “poignant” or “profoundly moving”. The cemetery is well maintained and cared for, making it a good place to pay respects to the dead.
FAQ'S of Cimitero delle Fontanelle, Naples
Q: When was the Cimitero delle Fontanelle created?
A: Cimitero delle Fontanelle was created in 1656.
Q: What type of cemetery is Cimitero delle Fontanelle?
A: Cimitero delle Fontanelle is a charnel house and open-air crypt cemetery.
Q: How large is the Cimitero delle Fontanelle?
A: Cimitero delle Fontanelle covers an area of about 5 acres.
Q: What is a charnel house?
A: A charnel house is a building or crypt containing bones and other remains.
Q: Why is Cimitero delle Fontanelle so important?
A: Cimitero delle Fontanelle is an important cultural property of Naples, and it is associated with many legends, customs and stories of the city.
Q: Is there a fee to visit the cemetery?
A: Yes, there is a nominal fee of about 1 euro to visit the cemetery.
Q: Is the Cimitero delle Fontanelle open all year round?
A: The cemetery is open all year round; however, the opening and closing hours may vary.Amidst the beautiful scenery, this place promises you the most haunted experience.

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