Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Have you ever heard about the haunting stories associated with the regal Bakerganj Rajbari in Barisal, Bangladesh? This former palace with centuries of dark history has been the site of numerous paranomal activities that leave its visitors mesmerized. Unravel the mystery of these reported eerie happenings before taking a tour of the majestic King’s abode.

Horror Story of Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal
, Bangladesh
In the dark of night, there are many that say Bakerganj Rajbari is haunted. The ghost of the former rajah haunts the halls of the palace, and the locals have tales of strange noises and paranormal activity. The tales say that the Rajah was a cruel and oppressive ruler, and his spirit dwells in Bakerganj Rajbari to this day. Legends tell that sometimes people staying in the palace feel an icy chill embrace them, as if the spirit is warning them away.
On certain nights, some people have reported hearing the mysterious laughter of the Rajah coming from deep within the palace, and on rare occasions, people have reported experiencing strange and queasy sensations in particular areas of the palace. Many have also heard the sounds of furniture being dragged or pushed across the floor with their own two ears.
Despite the rumours and tales, no one has ever been able to determine the truth about the haunting of Bakerganj Rajbari. So, if you’re feeling brave enough one night, why not visit the palace and see if you can make out the truth. The tales of the palace are waiting for you… if you dare!
It is one of the most haunted places in bangladesh
History & Information of Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal
The Bakerganj Rajbari, located in Barisal, Bangladesh, is an architectural heritage of British rule in the country. It was once one of the grandest palaces in the region, and served as home to the local zamindar (landowner). Constructed in the early 19th century, the palace was a symbol of the family’s wealth and prestige.
The Bakerganj family were prominent landowners in the area and dated back to the 16th century. They were closely associated with the British East India Company since 1790, when they signed a treaty with the company. The family later received a jagir from the Mughal Emperor, to which tax revenues were allocated for their assistance in the Carnatic Wars fought in the subcontinent. The Rajbari or the family palace was built in the early 19th century with the revenues earned from this jagir.
The palace is a two-storied structure, consisting of four main sections. The facade looks out to gardens and ponds, while the interior is decorated with decorative paintings, railings and chandeliers. There is a mahal (hall) in the palace, which is said to be haunted. A part of the palace was destroyed during the Liberation War of 1971 but the main structure is still standing.
Today, the Bakerganj Rajbari is a popular tourist attraction in Barisal. There is a museum nearby, which houses artifacts from the family’s history. The palace grounds are also a place for local festivals and gatherings.
The palace is an important part of the cultural heritage of Barisal and a reminder of the colonial legacy of Bangladesh. It is a symbol of the region’s proud past and a reminder of the days when the family played an important role in the region’s history.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal
The Bakerganj Rajbari of Barisal is a historical Rajbari located in the Barisal district of Bangladesh. The Bakerganj Rajbari was built during the reign of the Nawab of Bengal, Alivardi Khan in 1759 and is a two-story brick structure with tall towers and cupolas. It served as the headquarters of the ruling dynasty. Over time, the Rajbari underwent several renovations and additions.
Today, Bakerganj Rajbari is a popular tourist attraction, and its activities are centered around the promotion of cultural heritage. The Rajbari often hosts local events like film screenings, plays, exhibitions, and cultural programs. The grounds of Bakerganj Rajbari also feature open-air shows and concerts, often featuring traditional and contemporary songs. The museum located inside the Rajbari also displays folk arts, crafts, and artifacts.
At the Bakerganj Rajbari, visitors can enjoy various cultural activities, including folk music performances, traditional dance performances, and classical shadaj lessons. Visitors can also rent traditional boats and explore the Bay of Bengal, and learn about the local fishing industry. There are also guided tours of the Rajbari, which include a tour of the palace area, its courtyards, and its outer walls.
In addition, the Bakerganj Rajbari frequently hosts special festivals throughout the year, including its own unique festivals such as the Nabab Open Air, promoting traditional art forms, and the Tajul Festival, which celebrates the indigenous culture of the area. The area near the Rajbari has also developed as an eco-tourism area, with visitors engaging in activities such as bird watching and treks through mangrove forests.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal
Bakerganj Rajbari located within the Barisal town of Bangladesh, is a delicious and interesting tourist attraction. One of the greatest landmarks in the town of Barisal is the Bakerganj Rajbari, which is a beautiful Royal Palace constructed in the early 19th century. The Bakarganj Palace is a multi-storeyed building that is partially two and three storeys high. It is the only palace of its kind that was constructed before the British rule in Bangladesh.
People who visit the Bakerganj Rajbari experience the grandeur and exquisite beauty of the Colonial-era furniture, art pieces, photographs, carpets, and wall hangings. It provides a sense of taste and elegance that comes with royalty.
The reviews of the people who visited this Royal Palace are phenomenal. Not only they appreciated the beauty and grandeur of the Palace, but they also commended the warm and welcoming hospitality of the people. They loved the food served here and the cultural activities that took place inside the Palace. They also mentioned the wide range of historical artifacts that were on display at the museum inside the Palace, as well as the many souvenir shops and galleries that were located in the surrounding area.
All in all, Bakerganj Rajbari of Barisal is the perfect place for people who are seeking a sense of nostalgia and a reminder of the old Raj era. With its many stories and historical artifacts, it serves as an excellent tourist spot to explore and immerse oneself in the grandeur of the bygone era.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Bakerganj Rajbari, Barisal
Q1: What is place Bakerganj Rajbari?
A1: Place Bakerganj Rajbari is an archaeological site located in central Barisal in Bangladesh. The site is the ruined palace of the Jamindars, who ruled the area in the past.
Q2: What is the history of place Bakerganj Rajbari?
A2: Place Bakerganj Rajbari was built in the late 17th century by the local Jamindars. It was the centre of their political and administrative powers until it was abandoned in the early 19th century.
Q3: What is the current condition of place Bakerganj Rajbari?
A3: The palace is in a dilapidated state and has largely gone into ruins. The walls of the palace can still be seen and many sculptures and remnants of the walls are also extant.
Q4: Is there any other attraction near place Bakerganj Rajbari?
A4: Yes, there are several archeological sites and monuments near Place Bakerganj Rajbari. These include Bangla-Mughol village, Royal Tomb, Muslim burial grounds, and Hindu temples. This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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