Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The mysterious Shait Gumbad Mosque situated right outside Dhaka, Bangladesh has been a site of unexplainable horror stories and paranomial activities for many years. Take a journey back with us to explore the history and horror behind this ancient mosque.

Horror Story of Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka
, Bangladesh
The night guard of the ancient Shait Gumbad Mosque of Dhaka, Bangladesh was often forced to stay on the property late into the night. It was the quiet time when no one was around, and it was his responsibility to make sure no one was around.
One particular night while going about his rounds, the night guard noticed a strange sight in the shadows of the mosque. It appeared to be some sort of creature that was slowly and eerily making its way around the premises.
The night guard froze in horror as he watched the strange creature growing more tangible and solid with each step it took. He had no idea what it was, and was too afraid to move. Suddenly, he heard a deep voice from the shadows say, "I am the spirit that haunts this place. I do not take kindly to strangers who wander into my domain without permission. Leave now and do not return!"
The night guard ran in fear, and never returned to the Shait Gumbad Mosque again. To this day, many people believe that the creature still roams the grounds of the mosque, warning any who wander too close.It is one of the most haunted places in bangladesh
History & Information of Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka
The Shait Gumbad Mosque is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and is believed to have been built in the 16th century during Mughal rule. It was named after the Persian phrase "shaitan-ka gumbad", meaning the "dome of the devil". The mosque has since become the oldest surviving Islamic monument in Bangladesh.
The mosque is believed to have been built by Mughal governor of Bengal Shaista Khan and his son Subahdar Shaista Khan, and is believed to have been completed around 1679-80. It is comprised of four octagonal towers, each with three ornamented balconies. The tower at the centre is slightly bigger than the other three and is topped by a dome. The mosque interior is ornately decorated with stucco and terracotta designs.
It is believed that the mosque was originally built to service the local community, and was used as a venue for prayers and religious services.
The mosque is also regarded as an important historical and architectural monument, and has been visited by numerous dignitaries including French President Francois Mitterrand, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The mosque is currently in a state of disrepair due to lack of maintenance, however, the Bangladesh government is now in the process of restoring and preserving the structure.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka
The Shait Gumbad Mosque in Dhaka, Bangladesh is an important religious, historic and cultural site. Its impressive architecture and vivid history have entranced visitors for centuries. The mosque has been in place since the 16th century and has had a major impact on the development of the city of Dhaka.
The mosque is considered to be one of the most important religious sites in Bangladesh. The regular activities at the shrine include regular prayer services throughout the day as well as special gatherings to celebrate important religious holidays. Thousands of people come from all over the country to take part in the annual celebrations in the mosque compound.
The mosque also plays an important role in the cultural life of Dhaka. It is believed that the original owner of the land donated it to the followers of Islam approximately 500 years ago. Since then, the mosque has been a vibrant centre for Islamic culture in Dhaka and a source of inspiration for many generations of people.
The Shait Gumbad Mosque has also been a witness to many important events in the city's history. During Bangladesh’s War of Independence in 1971, the mosque served as a shelter for thousands of refugees who had fled from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Later on, it became an important political site during the period of military rule.
The Shait Gumbad Mosque remains an important cultural and religious site for both locals and visitors alike. Every visitor is welcome to take part in the regular prayer services, and the mosque provides a unique insight into Dhaka’s history and culture.There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka
The Shait Gumbad Mosque is an important religious centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh. People who visited this mosque have described it as a peaceful, tranquil place to relax and spend time with family or friends. The mosque itself has a beautiful interior, combining traditional and modern architecture. Visitors remarked that the cool shade and peaceful atmosphere of the mosque made it a great place to spend time and reflect. Many praised the colourful and detailed design of the mosque, which features different coloured tiles, Arabic inscriptions, and intricate stonework. The mosque also features a large dome that stands out and captures the eye.
People also described the mosque as being well-maintained and clean. As a result, children are allowed into the mosque, which is great for families. Additionally, visitors were able to explore the mosque's gardens and courtyards. Here, they were able to discover more about Islamic history and culture, as well as marvel over the exquisite architecture of the building.
Overall, visitors had a positive experience at the Shait Gumbad Mosque. The tranquil atmosphere, beautiful interior, and rich history provide a perfect place for visitors to enjoy. It seems like a great place to spend a day exploring and soaking up the peaceful atmosphere.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of Shait Gumbad Mosque, Dhaka
Q1.Where is Shait Gumbad Mosque located?
A1. Shait Gumbad Mosque is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Q2. When was the Shait Gumbad Mosque built?
A2. The Shait Gumbad Mosque was built in the 17th century.
Q3. What is the architectural style of the Shait Gumbad Mosque?
A3. The Shait Gumbad Mosque is built in the Mughal architectural style.
Q4. Is the Shait Gumbad Mosque open for visitors?
A4. Yes, the Shait Gumbad Mosque is open to visitors during regular visiting hours.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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