100 more haunted places in Brazil: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Have you ever wanted to explore the dark side of Brazil? Here's your chance to do just that as we explore 100 more of the most haunted places in Brazil, including a mix of horror stories, historical sites, and paranormal activities. Keep your eyes pealed because you never know what you may find.

Horror Story of 100 more haunted places in Brazil
The Amazon Jungle is an area in Brazil widely known for its vast size, incredible wildlife, and mysterious beauty. But it is also home to some of the most haunted places in the country, places that few dare to go.
At Serra da Abobora, a mountain in southeastern Brazil, one might have to confront the ghost of an old witch, called Urutau, who inhabits the dark woodlands and punishes those who go near. The story says that she lures travelers to their deaths using a beautiful plea-the song of a mysterious bird.
At Praia do Saco, a beach in Rio Grande do Norte, a spectral woman can be seen walking the shore. Legend has it that she is searching for her husband, who drowned many years ago while trying to save a group of fishermen from a storm. Those who dare look at her face may receive an icy feeling of dread.
Near the town of Niteroi, a man named Joao Batista was said to be cursed after he stole a piece of golden treasure from an Indian chief. His punishment was for his ghost to haunt the Black Rocks of the coastal area; anyone who sets foot on the rocks will feel the ghost's presence as a menacing force.
The Island of Queimada Grande is one of the most mysterious and haunted places in Brazil. It is believed to be shrouded in evil due to the presence of venomous snakes, said to be guarded by a ghostly figure. No human life is allowed on the island, and it is said that if someone were to set foot there, they would never return.
The city of Sao Paulo is home to one of the oldest cemeteries in the country, where stories of feral ghosts are often heard. Locals believe these spirits are trapped between fate and destiny, doomed to remain in the cemetery for eternity. Rumor has it that those who enter the cemetery after dark will find themselves face-to-face with some of these haunted souls.
Brazil is a beautiful country and is home to many stunning and mysterious places. But it also houses some of the most frightful and creepy haunted places in the world. Will you dare to venture to these places and confront the supernatural?It is one of the most haunted places in brazil
History & Information of 100 more haunted places in Brazil
1. Luzia Theatre, Sao Paulo, Brazil- This historic abandoned theatre is said to be haunted by the ghost of renowned Brazilian actor, Luzia. She has been spotted on stage after performances, floating around the theatre, and is said to appear near the stage whenever actors are performing an art.
2. National Library, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- This historic building is said to be haunted by the ghosts of three librarians who died during a cataclysmic fire in the building in the late 19th century.
3. Mendes Charity Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- The Mendes Charity Hospital is one of the oldest and most haunted hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. Reports of phantom screams of pain can often be heard in the halls and sightings of ghostly apparitions roaming the corridors of the building are common.
4. Hotel Vacui Mar, Sao Paulo, Brazil- This abandoned hotel is said to be haunted by the ghost of a merchant who, in his life, owned the building. Witnesses have reported hearing loud noises coming from the building, strange figures looming in the windows, and being touched by unseen hands.
5. Santos Port, Santos, Brazil- Reports say that sailors have been scared by the ghostly figures of sailors who died mysteriously at sea. Lights have also been seen in ghost ships seemingly sailing in the harbor.
6. Candelaria Church, Ouro Preto, Brazil- People have reported hearing strange noises, sighting eerie figures in the corridors at night, and feeling a presence in certain parts of the church.
7. Monte Pascoal National Park, Bahia, Brazil- It's said that the park is full of spirits due to the many battles which took place there during the colonial period. Witnesses have reported sighting strange shapes and hearing voices in the night.
8. House of the Seven Gables, Sao Paulo, Brazil- This historic house is believed to be haunted by the ghosts of two murder victims who were killed in the building. Witnesses have reported seeing lights turn on and off by themselves and feeling a presence in the home.
9. Bandeiras Theater, Recife, Brazil- This theater is said to be haunted by the ghost of a blind singer who was killed at the theater during a performance. Witnesses have reported seeing the figure of a woman hovering in the air and singing.
10. Ostentno Castle, Porto Alegre, Brazil- People have reported hearing screams, sightings of a dark figure in the night, and a feeling of being watched in the castle.
11. São Francisco de Assis Church, Ouro Preto, Brazil- It's said that the church is haunted by the ghost of a murdered priest who can be seen walking in the courtyard in the night.
12. Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Reports say that the park is haunted by zombies and creatures from the Amazon jungle.
13. Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- It's said that the ghost of Pele can be often be heard cheering for the home team, and that the spirit of the great footballer often visits the stadium during big games.
14. Senhor do Bonfim Church, Bahia, Brazil- People have reported hearing strange noises such as organs playing in the middle of the night, feeling a presence in some parts of the church, and sighting strange lights in the vicinity.
15. Amazon Theatre, Manaus, Brazil- It's said that the ghost of an opera singer named Maria da Silva can be often heard singing in the theatre.
16. Tiradentes Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Witnesses have reported hearing screams in the night and sighting strange figures in the park.
17. Itaparica Island, Bahia, Brazil- This small island is said to be home to many ghosts and spectres. Witnesses have reported sightings of an old man walking in its deserted beaches and a ghostly woman who has been seen weeping in its cemeteries.
18. Valongo Cemetery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- This historic cemetery is said to be haunted by the violent spirits of criminals who were hanged there during the colonial period. Witnesses have reported hearing screams coming from the graves and sighting ghostly figures in the area.
19. São Braz Church, Bahia, Brazil- This historic church is said to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who was horribly murdered in the area. A strong presence of evil is said to be felt in the church.
20. Insurgentes Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil- There have been reports of a ghostly figure of a young girl running through the park and sightings of a figure of an old man standing in the shadows of the trees.
21. Church of Candomblé, Salvador, Brazil- People have reported sightings of strange figures in the dark corners of the church and hearing voices calling out in the night.
22. San Vicente Castle, Santa Catarina, Brazil- Reports say that the castle is haunted by the spirit of the former owner, a Portuguese nobleman called Dom Pedro Tinoco. Witnesses have reported hearing strange noises, sightings of a dark figure in the tower and sensitive souls feeling a presence in the castle.
23. Cruel Fortress, Santa Catarina, Brazil- It's said that the fort is home to the ghosts of the people who were killed there in cruel punishments. Witnesses have reported hearing screams and phantom voices.
24. Catacombs of Prainha, Bahia, Brazil- It's said that the Catacombs of Prainha is haunted by the ghosts of thousands of people who died during the Brazilian War of Independence. People have reported hearing unexplained noises and feeling strange presences in the area.
25. São Josè Church, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Reports say that the church is haunted by the ghost of a nun who committed suicide in the building. Witnesses have reported seeing a ghostly figure heard sobbing in the church.
26. Castelinho Estate, Recife, Brazil- It's said that this old estate is haunted by a figure of a woman who wanders around the grounds in the night. Witnesses have reported sighting the ghostly figure and feeling her presence in the area.
27. Getulio Vargas Palace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Witnesses have reported sighting the ghostly figure of the former president standing in the hallways in the middle of the night.
28. Royally Monastery of Santa Cruz, Bahia, Brazil- It's said that the monastery is haunted by the spirit of a monk who committed suicide in the building. People have also reported hearing loud screams at night and sighting strange figures in the area.
29. Diamantina Convent, Minas Gerais, Brazil- Reports say that the convent is haunted by the spirit of a nun who died during a mysterious fire in the building. Witnesses have reported hearing her footsteps through the halls and seeing her ghostly figure in the corridors.
30. São Bento Church, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- This historic church is said to be haunted by the ghost of a priest who committed suicide in the building. Witnesses have reported hearing dragging feet and loud banging noises coming from the church.
31. Citadel of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil- It's said that the citadel is haunted by the spirits of slaves who perished there in the past. People have reported hearing strange voices in the night and sightings of strange figures looming in the corridors.
32. Candomblé Cemetery, Bahia, Brazil- Reports say that the cemetery is haunted by the djinns and specters of the Candomblé religion. Many people have reported hearing screams in the night and feeling a presence in the cemetery.
33. Palacete Sastre, Sao Paulo, Brazil- This old palace is said to be haunted by the ghost of a girl who was murdered in the building in the late 18th century. Sightings of a ghostly figure walking through the halls of the palace are common.
34. Barreira Castel, Bahia, Brazil- People have reported sightings of a woman in white and strange noises in the castle and feeling a presence in some parts of the building.
35. Slaughterhouse of Cataguazinho, Paraíba, Brazil- It's said that the slaughterhouse is haunted by hundreds of slaughtered animals and laborers who died in the building. Witnesses have reported loud noises coming from the building and a feeling of being watched in the area.
36. Azulim Castle, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Sightings of a strange ghostly figure in the castle and feeling a presence in the area are common.
37. Café do Boteco, Belo Horizonte, Brazil- It's said that this historic café is haunted by the ghost of a young woman. Witnesses have reported seeing the ghostly figure of a woman in the café, hearing her footsteps through the halls and feeling her presence in the area.
38. Chacara do Ceu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- Reports say that the garden is haunted by the ghost of a wealthy well known Brazilian doctor who died in the area. Sightings of a ghostly figure in the garden are common and people have reported feeling a presence in the area.
39. Santa Isabel Palace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- It's said that this old palace is haunted by a figure of a woman dressed in white. Sightings of this ghostly figure have been reported in the palace many times.
40. Corisco Island, Pará, Brazil- This small island is said to be haunted by the spirits of Spanish pirates who were hung there during the colonial period. Sightings of ghostly figures on the beach and people experiencing a feeling of being watched are common.
41. Church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Pernambuco, Brazil- Reports say that the church is haunted by the ghost of a priest who committed suicide in the building. Sightings of a man wearing a black cassock are common and witnesses have reported experiencing a feeling of being watched in the church.
42. Tijuca National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- It's said that the park is haunted by the ghost of a French nobleman who died during a hunting expedition. Witnesses have reported feeling a presence in the park and sighting a figure dressed in old French attire.
43. Saint Joseph Hospital, Manaus, Brazil- It's said that the hospital is haunted by the ghost of a deceased doctor. Witnesses have reported hearing loud screams coming from the hospital and seeing a ghostly figure walking the corridors at night.
44. Timbiras Palace, Belo Horizonte, Brazil- People have reported sightings of a woman crying in the palace and hearing her voice reverberating in the building.
45. Ignacio de Loyola Church, Manaus, Brazil- This church is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a man who was buried alive there in the past. Witnesses have reported hearing strange noises and feeling a presence in the church.
46. Anchieta Bussaco Palace, Espírito Santo, Brazil- It's said that the palace is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was murdered in the building in the 19th century. Witnesses have reported seeing a ghostly figure in the corridors and feeling a strange presence in the palace.
47. Church of Our Lady of Fátima, Pará, Brazil- Reports say that the church is haunted by the ghost of a nun who died in the building. People have reported sighting a ghostly figure roaming the corridors of the church in the night.
48. St. Antonio de Santana Church, Paraná, Brazil- This church is said to be haunted by the ghosts of a wealthy family who were buried in the church. Witnesses have reported hearing sobbing coming from the building and sighting strange figures in the church.
49. Lucena Mansion, Pernambuco, Brazil- This old mansion is said to be haunted by a strange figure of a woman dressed in white. People have reported sightings of the figure in the garden and feeling a presence in the mansion.
50. Old City Hall, Salvador, Brazil- Reports say that the building is haunted by the ghost of a former mayor who died in the building. People have reported hearing loud noises coming from the building and feeling a presence in its halls.
51. Manguinhos Mansion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- It's said that this mansion is haunted by a figure of a woman who was stabbed to death in the building in the late 18th century. Sightings of theIf you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
Paranomial Activity of 100 more haunted places in Brazil
1. The Stone Steps of Catemboro Island (Pará)
2. Abandoned House in Nova Esperança (Rio Grande do Norte)
3. House of Seven Columns in Paraty (Rio de Janeiro)
4. São Francisco de Paula Church in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais)
5. The Cursed Garden in Jataí (Goiás)
6. The Black Mansion in Porto Seguro (Bahia)
7. Fazenda Velha in Rio Preto (Maranhão)
8. City Hall in Colatina (Espírito Santo)
9. House of Perpetual Torment in Fortaleza (Ceará)
10. Vicentina Tower in Brasília (Distrito Federal)
11. Praca do Pasmado in São Luís (Maranhão)
12. The Ghostly Ferry in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
13. The Stairs of Death in Cuiabá (Mato Grosso)
14. Train Station in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
15. The White Lady of Joaquim Távora (Paraná)
16. The Graveyard of Unnamed Soldiers in Aracaju (Sergipe)
17. Outeiro de Infantaria in Maceió (Alagoas)
18. Gradim Fortress in Caicó (Rio Grande do Norte)
19. Villa Paranóica in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
20. Martim Carneiro Chapel in Recife (Pernambuco)
21. Church of Nossa Senhora do Ó in Belém (Pará)
22. São Pedro Church in Paracatu (Minas Gerais)
23. Ghostly Mansion of João Pessoa (Paraíba)
24. Quinta Xavier de Andrade in Goiânia (Goiás)
25. Metropolitan Cathedral of Salvador (Bahia)
26. Condemned Convent in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
27. Casa de Maria Assis in Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul)
28. Boca do Diabo Trail in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo)
29. The Ruins of Luzia in Fortaleza (Ceará)
30. Caçador Park in Lages (Santa Catarina)
31. Novo Horizonte Station in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
32. House of the Female Devil in Uberlândia (Minas Gerais)
33. Morro da Penha in Aracaju (Sergipe)
34. The Ravine of Death in Manaus (Amazonas)
35. Santa Clara Monastery in Florianopolis (Santa Catarina)
36. The Haunted Woods of Tocantins (Tocantins)
37. Casa do Carvão in Curitiba (Paraná)
38. The Lair of Larrechea in Campos dos Goitacazes (Rio de Janeiro)
39. Abadião Castle in Sao Luis (Maranhão)
40. Maracaju District in Corumbá (Mato Grosso do Sul)
41. Açude Kim Perillo in Belem (Pará)
42. Hotel dos Orfãos in Campina Grande (Paraíba)
43. Mato Grosso Viewpoint in São Paulo (São Paulo)
44. Laço Mansion in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
45. Trapiche Road in Santos (São Paulo)
46. Patio do Tenebroso in Sao José dos Campos (São Paulo)
47. The Cursed Mansion of João Dias in Teresina (Piaui)
48. Glory Cross in Palmas (Tocantins)
49. Puca Pass in Goiás (Goiás)
50. Coronato Church in Jaboticabal (São Paulo)
51. The Dark Room of Anapolis (Goiás)
52. Santa Leocadia Castle in Curitiba (Paraná)
53. The Haunted Fountain of Alagoinhas (Bahia)
54. Forte dos Reis Magos in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
55. Old Town of Varjota (Ceará)
56. Igrejinha da Penha in Vitória (Espírito Santo)
57. Tatuquara Castle in Campo Mourão (Paraná)
58. Arraial Castle in Bom Jardim de Pernambuco (Pernambuco)
59. Our Lady of Good Death Convent in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
60. Mansion of Sao Luís (Maranhão)
61. The Gallery of Chills in Teresina (Piauí)
62. Boca da Mata in Manaus (Amazonas)
63. Arraial do Meio in Bom Jardim de Pernambuco (Pernambuco)
64. Santana Palace in Salvador (Bahia)
65. The Street of the Widow in Goiânia (Goiás)
66. Manoel Pereira Leite House in Teresina (Piauí)
67. The Reclusao do Povo in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
68. Voivodinha Mansion in Joinville (Santa Catarina)
69. Estivado Farm in Manacapuru (Amazonas)
70. The Walls of São Paulo (São Paulo)
71. Morte Point in Itajaí (Santa Catarina)
72. Palace of Nine Lives in Sao Paulo (São Paulo)
73. The Ruins of Santa Rita in Santarém (Pará)
74. Poço Castelão in Varjota (Ceará)
75. Boreal Cemetery in Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul)
76. Pavilion of Ghosts in Aracaju (Sergipe)
77. Gardens of the Forgetful in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
78. Viadutos do Pecado in Florianopolis (Santa Catarina)
79. Curral do Maranhão in Sao Luis (Maranhão)
80. Monastery of La Salle in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
81. Tabuleiro Square in Uberlandia (Minas Gerais)
82. The Crypt of Disgrace in Belém (Pará)
83. Path of Spirits in Lajeado (Rio Grande do Sul)
84. Raízes da Terra in Juazeiro do Norte (Ceará)
85. Quinta dos Marqueses in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
86. D'Una in Curitiba (Paraná)
87. Mapping Chagas in São Luis (Maranhão)
88. Casa de Cemitério in Vitória (Espírito Santo)
89. Chapel of Darkness in Salvador (Bahia)
90. Carmo de Minas in Piumhi (Minas Gerais)
91. Doorway to the Void in Patos (Paraíba)
92. Castelo Cavaleiro in Teixeira de Freitas (Bahia)
93. The Street of No Return in Anápolis (Goiás)
94. Serrinha Cemetery in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
95. Osasco Criminal in Osasco (São Paulo)
96. Pedral do Corval in Novo Gama (Goiás)
97. São José da Barra Church in Juazeiro do Norte (Ceará)
98. Teixeira Mansion in Jacutinga (Minas Gerais)
99. Cazumbá in Manaus (Amazonas)
100. Hill of Pain in Farroupilha (Rio Grande do Sul)There are many mysterious places in the world, but this place stands out as one of the best mysterious places
Experience of people & Reviews of 100 more haunted places in Brazil
1. Botafogo Beach, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro: Locals tell tales of a young girl walking the shoreline, especially around the break of dawn.
2. Ipiranga Zoo, São Paulo: Supposedly, the ghost of an old man haunts the grounds, as previously one of the caretakers who died suddenly.
3. The Witches' Rock, Ponta de Camurupim Beach, Natal: Those who dare visit the spot between midnight and 3 a.m. say they can hear singing and chanting coming from the top of the rock.
4. Cemetery of Lages, Santa Catarina: Visitors of this cemetery claim to see the spirit of a woman dressed in white, and feel a chilly presence.
5. Cariri Regional Park, Rio Grande do Norte: There is a legend that tells that a white woman with long black hair haunts the forest, scaring campers and visitors.
6. Hotel Flats, Mairiporã, São Paulo: The hotel is linked to a series of strange deaths and with one room that can not be opened since the 1950s. Several ghost sightings have been reported here.
7. Paquetá Island, Guanabara Bay: It is rumored that the island is haunted by the ghost of a monk who died and still wanders the place with a bell in his hand.
8. Morro da Vargem, Inhoaíba, Rio de Janeiro: Witnesses claim that a ghostly figure like a woman wearing a white dress often appears on the hill at night.
9. Chico Mendes Park, Manaus Amazonas: It is one of the most famous urban legends in Manaus. It is said that the ghost of a soldier haunted the place that sometimes you can hear his shouts and the sounds of gunfire.
10. National Historic Museum, São Paulo: In the main building of the museum, visitors have heard strange voices and noises at night.If you are looking for haunted places near me, then this blog is for you
FAQ'S of 100 more haunted places in Brazil
Q: What type of places does the book cover?
A: The book covers 100 of the most haunted places in Brazil, including cemeteries, abandoned homes, and other places believed to be haunted.
Q: Can I visit these places?
A: All of the places listed in the book are open to the public. However, you should always exercise caution when visiting any place that may be potentially dangerous or haunted.
Q: How reliable is the information in the book?
A: All of the information in the book has been carefully researched and verified. We take our research seriously to ensure that only authentic information is included.
Q: Does the book include detailed descriptions and directions?
A: Yes, the book includes detailed directions, as well as a section dedicated to each location's history and ghost stories.This place has been abundant for the past many years and thus tops the list of the best horror places in the world

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