The Castle of Parga, Epirus: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Are you intrigued by the supernatural and creepy mythology? Then the Castle of Parga in Epirus is the perfect place to explore. With a long history full of horror stories, suspicious paranormal activities and an omnipresent atmosphere of doom and dread, a visit to this castle is sure to give you the chills!

Horror Story of The Castle of Parga, Epirus
The Castle of Parga has a long and bloody history. For many centuries, it has been a site of wars, rebellions, and other bloody conflicts. But, the castle also has a dark and mysterious legend behind it - a legend of a demon that haunts the castle.
The story goes that a long time ago, a powerful demon had been cast out of the underworld and made his home in the castle. It is said that he would wander the castle at night, searching for blood to drink. Anybody that he encountered, he would attack, draining them of their vital life energy. It is said that those who were attacked by this demon quickly withered away, their skin turning grey and their hair white.
Eventually the true reason for this demon's presence was discovered. It was said to be a punishment, imposed upon the castle for the crimes of past rulers. Unfortunately, the curse was sealed and could not be lifted.
To this day, tourists who come to the castle report strange noises in the night, lights flickering, and other strange phenomena. Many locals stay away from the castle, preferring not to get too close to the site of such a cruel past.
The Castle of Parga will remain a mysterious and frightening place forever.
History & Information of The Castle of Parga, Epirus
The Castle of Parga is a Venetian fortification located in the town of Parga, Epirus in western Greece. It was built in the 13th century by the Venetian Republic to protect the town of Parga and its port from Ottoman pirates and raiders. The castle was occupied by the Turks in 1452, but regained by the Venetians in 1684 with the help of the Arvanite warriors from the nearby settlement of Souli.
The Castle was abandoned in 1690 after an unsuccessful attempt to recapture it by an Ottoman-Venetian Combined force. In later years, the castle was used as a resort by the local aristocracy. It is now open to the public, and visitors can enjoy stunning views of the Ionian Sea and the adjacent islands from its terrace, as well as visit the church and museum dedicated to the town’s history and culture.
The castle is surrounded by strong defensive walls on the seaward side and multiple watchtowers at its corners. The fortification is arranged in three levels, separated by a cobblestone and gravel courtyard. The main entrance is located on the middle level, and it is flanked by two towers, offering an additional layer of protection against hostile attacks. Inside the castle, visitors can explore the church of Agios Nikolaos, the Parga History Museum, and other historical buildings.
Paranomial Activity of The Castle of Parga, Epirus
The Castle of Parga is a medieval fortification located in modern-day Epirus, a region in northwestern Greece, on the Ionian Sea. Built in the 13th century, the castle stands on a rocky headland overlooking the city of Parga and the surrounding coastline. The castle is renowned for its rich history and importance in the struggle against the Turks in the 15th century.
Today, the castle is a popular tourist attraction, known for its picturesque views and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the castle's numerous historical sites, including old cannons, a medieval church, and ancient stone dwellings. The castle also serves as a venue for a range of exciting activities, including guided walks, sailing outings, and even the occasional battle reenactment.
In addition to its many cultural attractions, the castle features a range of recreational activities. Visitors to the castle can enjoy activities such as diving, swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking, making it a great place to spend a sunny day at the beach. For those looking for more adventurous activities, the castle offers a variety of hiking and cycling trails.
Finally, the Castle of Parga is located near a number of interesting landmarks and attractions in the surrounding areas. A short drive from the castle will take visitors to ancient Greek ruins, traditional villages, and stunning views of the Ionian Sea. The Castle of Parga provides the perfect springboard for a day of exploration and adventure.This place is registered as the most haunted place in the world.
Experience of people & Reviews of The Castle of Parga, Epirus
The Castle of Parga in Epirus is a popular tourist destination, as evidenced by the many reviews left by visitors on various travel sites. Most people who have visited the castle describe it as a stunning and iconic historical monument, noting its impressive architecture and breathtaking views of the town and coastline below. The remains of the Venetian fortifications, old cannons, and underground tunnels all provide a unique experience that visitors love. Many people mention how the castle was well preserved and provided a great insight into the region's history, while the surrounding area featured stunning views of the Ionian Sea and plenty of charming restaurants and cafés. Many people also appreciated the informative audio guides available at the castle, which gave a comprehensive overview of the fortress's strategic importance. All in all, people who've been to the Castle of Parga have generally had an enjoyable experience and recommend the fortress to others who visit the region.
FAQ'S of The Castle of Parga, Epirus
Q: Where is The Castle of Parga located?
A: The Castle of Parga is located in the town of Parga, located in the prefecture of Thesprotia, Epirus in northwestern Greece.
Q: What is The Castle of Parga known for?
A: The Castle of Parga is known for its picturesque views of the Ionian Sea and its surrounding islands. It is also known for its long and rich history, which dates back to the 12th century.
Q: What is the best time to visit The Castle of Parga?
A: The best time to visit The Castle of Parga is during the summer months when the weather is beautiful and the area is bustling with tourists and locals alike.
Q: What activities are available at The Castle of Parga?
A: Visitors to The Castle of Parga can enjoy exploring the castle itself, including its many secret passages and doors. There are also many outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, fishing, and boat tours, as well as cafes, bars and restaurants to explore.
Q: How much does it cost to visit The Castle of Parga?
A: The cost of admission to The Castle of Parga is €5 for adults, €2.50 for children, and free for children under the age of five.

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