Canefield House: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

If you are a horror fan, you are in for a treat! Canefield House is a mysterious building said to have plenty of horror-filled stories in its rich history. From paranormal to supernatural activities, Canefield House does not disappoint in its spooky tales. Read on to learn more about this terrifying house of horror.

Horror Story of Canefield House
It was late when the family arrived at Canefield House. They had been warned by their neighbors about the creepy old landmark, but they wanted to experience its rumored haunted past for themselves.
Not long after they'd settled in, strange things began to happen in the house. Lights coming on and off on their own, strange noises in the night, and the occasional cruelty of cold drafts finding their way into warmly heated rooms.
One night, the kids decided to explore the house, despite their parents' warnings. When they reached the top of the stairs, the children were horrified to see a figure dressed in all black standing at the end of the hall. He emitted an eerie, ghostly white smoke, and was beckoning them to come closer.
As they ran back to the safety of their rooms, they could also feel the presence of other figures in the house. As if someone was watching them. But who?
For the rest of their stay, the kids heard footsteps, moaning, and other strange noises, as if someone, or something was trying to tell them something.
When the family finally decided to leave Canefield House, they were met with a warning from one of the locals. He explained that the house was cursed, and was home to the tortured souls of long dead family members who'd tried to force their way back into the living world.
It seemed that the family had unwittingly stepped into the world of the living dead, and they were lucky to escape. They all agreed to never return to Canefield House again.If you want to visit one of the most haunted places in the world, you must visit it here
History & Information of Canefield House
Canefield House is an historic house located in the unincorporated community of Canefield in northwestern Johnston County, North Carolina. It was built between 1816 and 1827 by planter Thomas Benton Bryan, and is considered the best-preserved example of a Federal period frame house in Johnston County.
The house is a two-story, three bay, gabled roof dwelling sheathed in clapboard. It has interior end chimneys and a one-story shed-roofed porch that extends across the width of the façade. The main block is topped by a low pitched gable roof with deeply overhanging eaves. The house was moved from its original site in 1977, and fully restored by 1977. In 1982, Canefield House was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Today, Canefield House is owned by Robert F. Bryan, the sixth-generation descendant of Thomas Benton Bryan, and operated as a private residence and event venue. The house has also been classified as an orphanage.
Paranomial Activity of Canefield House
Canefield House’s paranomial activity involves researching local paranormal activity. Reports of poltergeist activity surrounding the house have been consistent since the early 1900s. Local newspaper articles and interviews with homeowners have documented haunting activity throughout the residence. Canefield House is said to be frequented by both dark and white figures. Reports of strange lights, noises, and the smell of smoke are common.
The paranormal activity team at Canefield House has conducted numerous investigations of the area. Specialized equipment such as infrared cameras and EMF meters are utilized in an effort to document evidence of the paranormal. Researching historical documents and interviewing locals are used to further understand Canefield House’s past.
In addition, regular paranormal events provide guests with the opportunity to explore their own experiences. Guests are taken on nighttime tours of the residence and given the opportunity to use professional psychic equipment to explore the area. Special guest speakers and historians also deliver presentations on their research of Canefield House.
Experience of people & Reviews of Canefield House
Canefield House has received typically positive feedback from guests. People have commented positively on the friendly and welcoming staff, the great food, and the beautiful location. People have also commented on the helpfulness of the owner and his knowledge of the local area. The majority of people had nothing but great things to say about their experience at Canefield House. Many people also highly recommend Canefield House as a great place to stay while visiting the area.Nowadays, the popularity of visiting the scariest places on Earth is increasing day by day.
FAQ'S of Canefield House
Q. What is Canefield House?
A. Canefield House is a beautifully restored colonial estate located on the island of Jamaica, in the Caribbean. The property is set in lush, tropical mountain scenery and offers complete seclusion and privacy.
Q. What amenities does Canefield House offer?
A. Canefield House features a luxurious pool, a waterfront dock and beach, a tennis court, and a full-service, five-star restaurant.
Q. Is Canefield House open to the public?
A. Canefield House offers private, luxurious rentals for individuals and groups, but is not open to the public.
Q. Does Canefield House offer any activities?
A. Canefield House offers a range of activities, including horseback riding, mountain biking, and tours of the nearby rainforest.Have you ever explored horror places in the world? If not, then you can explore now.

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