Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Experience Kihnu, a secluded island located in the Gulf of Riga off the Estonian coast. This horrorful island houses the haunting Kihnu lighthouse, a lighthouse which holds a fearful history and many paranomal activities. Discover the unidentified secrets and experiences of Kihnu and its lighthouse.

Horror Story of Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu
It was a dark and stormy night on the small and remote island of Kihnu, Estonia. The small village was completely still and silent, not even the wind made a sound.
That is, until a piercing scream broke the silence. It was coming from the Kihnu Lighthouse, situated a little way outside the village.
Many of the villagers were too scared to investigate, but one brave young man plucked up the courage to do so. He donned his wetsuit and swam across the bay, taking great care not to look at the haunted lighthouse as he did so.
When he reached the other side, he carefully began to ascend the rickety steps to the top of the lighthouse. Just as he was about to emerge onto the balcony, the scream broke out again, much louder and more intense this time.
He cautiously crept to the edge of the balcony, and saw a terrifying figure standing on the edge, silhouetted in the moonlight.
It was a tall woman in a white dress, her face twisted and contorted in a rage. She was screaming incoherently, her voice echoing around the island.
The young man was terrified, yet he managed to find the courage to step forward and ask the woman her name.
The woman told the young man her name was Kadi. She was the spirit of the lighthouse, cursed to forever haunt its walls and tend to its lights, and her sadness and despair could only be broken by someone who could help her cross over to the other side.
The young man was now even more frightened and his courage quickly fled. He raced down the steps and swam back to the shore, not daring to look back. Of course, he never told anybody about what he had seen that night, but the villagers of Kihnu will never forget the tales of the haunted Kihnu Lighthouse.
History & Information of Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu
, Estonia
Kihnu Lighthouse is located on the island of Kihnu in Estonia in the Baltic Sea. It is a cylindrical cast iron tower built in 1861 under plans from the Uku Masing Surveying Institute. It stands at a height of 33 meters (108 feet) and its brick and stone buildings are around the tower. The lighthouse has 15 meters (49 feet) of range and emits a white light out to sea that can be seen up to 16 nautical miles away.
The island of Kihnu has traditionally been an isolated community with strong links to its identity and has retained elements of its pre-Christian culture. This includes the Kihnu folk music – played by both children and adults and sung in the native dialect – as well as traditional clothing.
The islanders depended heavily on the sea to make their living and the lighthouse helped ensure the safety of the fishermen going out to sea. This was essential for food and goods as the island had little arable land so was hugely dependent on fishing for survival.
Today the lighthouse is still in use and is under the care of the Estonian Environment Agency. Tours are available of the area including the lighthouse and the locals will happily share stories and history of their island.
Paranomial Activity of Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu
, September 24
The Kihnu Lighthouse is a tall, white tower of a lighthouse located on the small Estonian island of Kihnu, located approximately 10 km off the Estonian coastline. The lighthouse has been in operation since 1874 and is still used for mariners to this day. On September 24th, the lighthouse was active with a variety of activities throughout the day, aimed at helping mariners safely navigate the waters of the Baltic Sea.
In the morning, a team of maintenance personnel served the lighthouse. They took care of routine maintenance and repairs to ensure the lighthouse is functioning properly. They made sure the lamp and lens are cleaned, the power supply is functioning, and the rotating beacon is working properly. The team was also responsible for checking the location and angle of the lighthouse, and for making sure all necessary supplies such as fuel, water, and medicines are available.
At noon, the team stopped maintenance for a break and watched as some local fishing boats docked at the harbour. The mariners from the boats shared stories with the lighthouse team about their experiences sailing on the Baltic Sea. They also shared information about the different islands and landmarks they had encountered on their voyage.
At dusk, the team began to whitewash the lighthouse. This practice is carried out every few months to prevent the tower from becoming corroded.
Finally, when night fell, the lighthouse beacon was activated and began to flash its bright light across the waters of the Baltic Sea. This light will act as a guidepost for all mariners who wish to pass through the seas around Kihnu Island.
Overall, the activity of the Kihnu Lighthouse on September 24th is an example of how lighthouses help enable maritime safety. The lighthouse beacon is an important navigational tool and the periodic maintenance ensures the lighthouse will keep flashing and continue to guide seafarers for years to come.Have you ever explored horror places in the world? If not, then you can explore now.
Experience of people & Reviews of Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu
People have described their experience of visiting Kihnu Lighthouse as thrilling. They have shared their reviews by saying that the lighthouse is one of the most iconic landmarks of Estonia. Further, they have shared that the view from the lighthouse is absolutely breathtaking and they can spot some of the most beautiful birds soaring in the sky. People have also shared that the sunsets in the horizon are out of this world and are absolutely mesmerizing. Moreover, they have expressed that the guides present at the lighthouse are quite knowledgeable and provide an interesting insight about the history of the place.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
FAQ'S of Kihnu Lighthouse, Kihnu
Q: Where is Kihnu Lighthouse located?
A: The Kihnu Lighthouse is located on the island of Kihnu off the southern coast of Estonia.
Q: What is the history of Kihnu Lighthouse?
A: The Kihnu Lighthouse was built in 1820 and is the oldest continuously-manned lighthouse in Estonia. It was constructed to warn seafarers of the treacherous reefs around Kihnu Island.
Q: How can I visit the Kihnu Lighthouse?
A: The Kihnu Lighthouse is open to visitors from May to October. There is a fee for admission and visitors must provide their own transportation to the island.
Q: What can I expect to find at Kihnu Lighthouse?
A: Visitors to the Kihnu Lighthouse can expect to find a beautiful view of the sea, a reconstructed interior, and a wealth of historical information about the lighthouse and the island of Kihnu.

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