Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Adams Calendar is an ancient stone circle located in Waterval Boven, South Africa. It is believed to have been constructed by the ancient Ba-Ntwane people but carbon dating has yet to prove it conclusively. The area also has a history of horror stories and paranormal activities, making it one of the most intriguing and eerie places in South Africa. In this blog, we will explore the mystery of Adams Calendar, its fascinating history, and the reported paranormal activities that fuel its legend.

Horror Story of Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven
The Valley of Whispers
For centuries, the small town of Waterval Boven has been home to the mysterious Adams Calendar. Thought to be a Neolithic stone circle created by an unknown age-old civilization, it was the site of many a superstitious tale. It was widely believed that the stones had mystical properties, and that those who breached the circle would suffer a fate much worse than death.
So when the small boy, Johnny, stumbled upon the circle while out playing one day, he was filled with a sense of dread. His parents had warned him to stay away from it, but curiosity had taken the better of him. Upon stepping within the sacred stones, his body was inundated with a strange humming noise, like that of a million frantic whispers. Fearfully, he made to flee, only to be met by an icy chill that seemed to envelope his body.
The chill quickly subsided and the whispers faded as quickly as they had appeared, but the feeling lingered within him. He made it back to his home but could not shake the memory of the strange experience. That night his dreams were plagued by visions of creatures, strange and terrifying beyond his wildest imagination.
The next day news quickly spread of the mysterious occurrences surrounding the Adams Calendar, and it emerged that several people in the town had awoken feeling overly tired and shaken. Johnny was quick to tell his parents of his experience, but they were quick to dismiss it as his overactive imagination.
But one person did not think so. A local shaman, skilled in the mysterious ways of the valley, decided to lead a group of people to the Adams Calendar in search of answers. They revisted the mysterious stones, only to be met with a huge communal chill that seemed to envelope the whole valley. The shaman raced back to town and quickly warned of some unknown and powerful evil presence that seemed to have taken hold over the land.
It wasn't long before strange events began to take hold of the small town. Mysterious lights, ghostly visitors in the night, and unexplainable occurrences were reported daily. Those brave enough to visit the site of the Adams Calendar still experience an icy chill and almost hear the voices of what they have come to call the Valley of Whispers.
But be warned - those who breach the stone circle and hear the whispers do so at their peril.You must visit this place named as one of the most haunted places in the world
History & Information of Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven
Adams Calendar, also known as the “Stonehenge of Africa”, is an ancient stone arrangement located in Waterval Boven, a small village in South Africa. It was discovered by Lieutenant-Colonel J.R. Mitchell of the South African Army while scouting the area in the 1920s.
The monument consists of a massive central stone surrounded by 12 smaller stones arranged in a circle. It is believed to date back over 200,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest manmade structures in the world. It is made up of large limestone rocks and is estimated to have weighed around 180 tons.
The purpose of Adams Calendar is still unknown but it is speculated to have been used for religious or astronomical purposes. It is sometimes referred to as a “calendar” because of the arrangement of its stones and its possible association with the passing of time and the natural cycle of the sun and moon. Some historians also believe it could have been used for agricultural purposes to determine when to plant or harvest crops.
In 2003, the area surrounding Adams Calendar became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was officially declared a National Monument of South Africa in 2003.
Today, Adams Calendar is a popular tourist destination and is believed to possess “mystical powers” which can be harnessed with the help of local guides and spiritual healers. This has attracted people from all over the world, who come to experience the site’s spiritual energy.This place is famous for its haunted stories and hence tops the list of the scariest places on Earth.
Paranomial Activity of Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven
Adams Calendar is an ancient stone circle located in the Waterval Boven area of Mpumalanga, South Africa. It is believed that it is one of the oldest known man-made structures in the world, possibly predating Stonehenge in England. The granite megaliths that make up the circle are estimated to be between 300 and 350 million years old, but some archaeologists have suggested that the calendar could date back to as far as 12,000 years.
Paranormal activity has been reported at Adams Calendar, including mysterious lights, ghostly apparitions, and strange sounds. This activity has been studied by several paranormal groups and organizations, both in South Africa and around the world. While opinions about the activity vary, some believe that Adams Calendar may be a place of great spiritual power and energy. It is also thought that the stones may be a portal to other dimensions or realms of existence. Regardless of whether or not the paranormal activity has a basis in reality, many visit the area out of curiosity, or to experience the strange atmosphere that often envelops the site.
Experience of people & Reviews of Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven
Most people who visit Adams Calendar have a fantastic experience. Most visitors comment that it is a breathtaking and peaceful spot to visit, and many describe it as a spiritual place. Most people take lots of photographs to remember the experience.
Waterval Boven is a popular tourist destination in South Africa. Visitors have written positive reviews about the town, praising the gorgeous scenery, the friendly locals, and the incredible activities on offer. People have also commented that there are great restaurants, pubs, and shops in the town. Overall, people have had a great experience visiting Waterval Boven.
FAQ'S of Adams Calendar, Waterval Boven
Q. What is Adams Calendar?
A. Adams Calendar is an ancient stone circle which is located in Mpumalanga, South Africa and is believed to be the oldest man-made structure on the continent, dating back more than 75,000 years.
Q. What is the purpose of Adams Calendar?
A. The purpose of Adams Calendar is still unknown, but some researchers suggest it may have served as a kind of observatory, used for tracking the passing of the seasons and other astronomical events.
Q. Is Waterval Boven the same as Adams Calendar?
A. No, Waterval Boven is a town in Mpumalanga, South Africa, situated near the Adams Calendar. The town itself is not related to the stone circle.

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