Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Vihterpalu Manor has a sordid history of death and destruction encompassing hundreds of years, and it is rumored to be the center of paranormal activity. In this blog post, we will explore the manor's dark past, the horrific stories that have emerged from it, as well as the countless reports of ghostly activity that surrounds it. Let's take a trip to Vihterpalu Manor...if you dare!

Horror Story of Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu
In Vihterpalu Manor, the locals whisper stories of horror and mystery. Built centuries ago in the forests of the east, the manor has been the scene of many strange events.
Legend has it that the grounds of the manor are haunted by the spirit of a beautiful woman, said to have been cursed with eternal suffering. Visitors to the manor have reported hearing the ghostly footsteps of the woman roaming the grounds late at night. On moonless nights, a spectral figure is said to be seen in the gardens, illuminated by the faint glow of fireflies.
Some say that these eerie tales of the woman in the manor stem from a tragic event that occurred many years before. It is said that a young woman was brutally murdered on the grounds of the manor, and her killer was never found. Her spirit now haunts the manor, cursed to walk the grounds in search of justice for her death.
Others claim it is not the spirit of a murdered woman, but something much more sinister. Reports of strange activities and other supernatural occurrences in and around the manor have lead to speculation that something sinister lurks in the shadows of Vihterpalu. Nobody knows for sure what lurks in the shadows, but visitors to the manor often find a chill in the air as they enter its grounds.
History & Information of Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu
, Nõmme Parish, Harju County
Vihterpalu Manor is a manor house located in Vihterpalu (formerly Vitterpalu), in Nõmme Parish, Harju County, Estonia. It was built in the 16th century, but significantly expanded in 1799.
The manor was owned by various noble families throughout its history. In 1663, it was owned by the von Blücher family, members of the Swedish military. Later, it was owned by the Anton Rösel von Rosenhof family, followed by the Fernow family in the mid-18th century. The von Siemenses took ownership in 1807, followed by the von Kottwitz family in 1865. The von Lipharts family bought the manor in the early 20th century.
Today, the manor house is a separate farmstead, although much of the original architecture is still in place. The manor hosts various cultural activities, such as concerts and theatrical performances, and it can be hired out for private events.
In 2021, Vihterpalu Manor was added to the Estonian National Register of Cultural Monuments.
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Estonian National Register of Cultural Monuments ( is one of the most horror places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu
Vihterpalu Manor is an Estonian state-owned manor located in Vihterpalu parish, Laeva. The manor house dates back to the 16th century and was once owned by an aristocratic family. In the late 18th century, the manor was modernized and remodeled and it is now a tourist destination. The manor is known for its annual autumn festival, which takes place in October and includes medieval music, theatre performances, and a beer festival. It also hosts the annual Vihterpalu Manor Tournament, a sports tournament featuring football, handball, and volleyball. The manor is open to visitors throughout the year and provides tours, educational workshops, and traditional Estonian cuisine. The surrounding estate features a picturesque landscape with lakes, forests, and meadows that provide a serene backdrop for the activities at the manor.Amidst the beautiful scenery, this place promises you the most haunted experience.
Experience of people & Reviews of Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu
Residents of Vihterpalu Manor have reported to be very pleased with their experience. Many have commented on the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the area, the charming setting of the manor, and the helpful and friendly staff. Particularly noteworthy is the great service that residents have encountered when staying or visiting the manor.
The reviews of Vihterpalu Manor have been overwhelmingly positive. Many people have commented on the cozy atmosphere, the high level of guest comfort, and the high level of service that they have received in the manor. In addition, they have highlighted the spectacular view of the snow-covered countryside that can be seen from the manor.
Overall, visitors rave about their experience of a Vihterpalu Manor; one guest stated: “The atmosphere was warm and inviting, the accommodation was excellent and the staff was like family. I would recommend staying here to anybody.”This is the must-visit mystery place in the world.
FAQ'S of Vihterpalu Manor, Vihterpalu
Q. What is Vihterpalu Manor?
A. Vihterpalu Manor is an historic Gothic-style manor house located in the Harju County in Northern Estonia near Lahemaa National Park. The manor house dates back to 1688 and was extensively renovated in 1710.
Q. What can I do at Vihterpalu Manor?
A. Vihterpalu Manor offers a range of activities, from guided tours to various cultural events throughout the year such as concerts and art exhibitions. There is also a café, guest rooms for rent and some fine dining options.
Q. Are there any other attractions near Vihterpalu Manor?
A. There are plenty of nearby attractions including Lahemaa National Park, which is great for hiking and fishing, as well as the Vihterpalu Chapel and the nearby Viinistu Art Museum.
Q. Is Vihterpalu Manor open year-round?
A. Vihterpalu Manor is open from April through October for visitors to enjoy its many features. During the off-season, the manor is open for special events and visitors can inquire about this in advance.

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