Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Tõstamaa Castle in Estonia has long been associated with tales of horror, history and paranormal activities. Located in the heart of coastal Estonia, the castle once symbolised military strength and wealth, and is now the site of numerous stories which are as intriguing as they are chilling. In this blog, we will explore the haunted castle's secrets.

Horror Story of Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa
Parish, Pärnu County
Once upon a time there was a small Estonian village nestled at the edge of a walled city, known as Tõstamaa. It had all the amenities of a quaint country home, but was known for its sprawling castle. Its gray stone walls and turrets towered above the villagers as if it was thinking of how far it had come from the days of feudal rule.
The castle was once the home of a wealthy aristocrat and his family, but as the years went on, stories began to swirl about what was going on inside its walls. It was said the aristocrat had a sinister fascination with the dark arts and dark magic.
Villagers would sometimes hear strange noises coming from inside the castle at night, and some were brave enough to try to peek inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening. But none of them ever returned, and stories about the castle and its occupants quickly spread throughout the village.
One night, a group of villagers decided to brave the castle and find out what was really going on inside. As soon as they stepped into the dark hallways of Tõstamaa, they were met with a deep sense of dread. A voice whispered that only those who do not fear the dark may enter, but all of the villagers found themselves too afraid to venture any further.
That same night, a black carriage rolled up to the entrance and a hooded figure stepped out. He wore a deep red cloak that covered his entire body and face. The villagers watched as he unlocked the door and slowly entered the castle. He soon emerged with a mysterious bundle, leading the villagers to believe that the rumors of dark magic within the castle were true.
The following day, the villagers decided to break into the castle and investigate, but all they found were dark and desolate rooms. No one was inside and all of the doors were securely locked.
The village never quite recovered from the rumors of dark magic, as many left and never returned. The castle's secret has remained hidden for centuries, only further adding to its spooky legend. To this day, locals still tell tales of Tõstamaa Castle and the dark secrets that lie within.
History & Information of Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa
, Estonia
Tõstamaa Castle is a Medieval fortification and manor house situated near the village of Tõstamaa in western Estonia. It was originally built in the 15th century and developed further in the 17th century. It was used as both a defense structure and a residence for noble families.
The castle was originally begun in the 15th century as a way to protect the lands of southern Estonia from foreign invaders. Its construction was made possible by the local nobility, and it soon became the seat of power for several powerful families, including the Bock, Stenbock, and von Rönn families.
In the 17th century, the castle was expanded and altered to better suit the new Baroque architectural style. New buildings were added to the castle complex, including additional housing, offices, and storage areas. Since the early 19th century, the castle has been used for various cultural and educational activities, and it is maintained as a museum today.
The Tõstamaa Castle is an important part of Estonian history, as it was one of the few fortifications in the area that was able to withstand foreign invasions for centuries. Its architecture and surviving artifacts make it a valuable historical monument that provides insight into the lives of the people who lived there and the conflicts of the past.
The castle has been digitally reconstructed to show how it might have looked at various points in its history, and it is now a popular tourist attraction. It has been used in several films as a filming location, and is popular for cultural events and festivals.
Paranomial Activity of Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa
, Estonia
Tõstamaa Castle is one of the most majestic buildings in the Estonian landscape, sitting proudly atop a steep hill in rural Estonia. Located near the town of Tõstamaa, the castle is a popular tourist destination that has a rich and varied history.
The castle has a long and significant history as the ancestral home of the Bock family, a noble German-Baltic family that served as the castle’s owners and occupants since the 1300s. Throughout its expansive history, the castle has gone through several renovations and adaptations in order to make it suitable for the Bock family’s lifestyle. Now, the castle is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming from all over the world to explore its various attractions.
At the Tõstamaa Castle, visitors can explore the castle’s beautiful grounds and gardens, marvel at its grand architecture, and see numerous artifacts from the castle’s long history. From its grand entrance gates and wooden drawbridge to its enchanting chapel, along with regular gallery and art displaying, there is plenty to see and explore at Tõstamaa Castle.
Visitors can also take part in several activities during their visit to the castle. One of the most popular is the “Tõstamaa Castle Experience,” where visitors can join a guided tour of the castle and the surrounding grounds, learning about the history and culture of the castle while exploring its beautiful rooms and grounds. The castle also hosts several events each year, including performances by renowned theater and music groups, and a special annual Christmas event.
The Tõstamaa Castle is a beautiful and captivating place that encapsulates the grandeur of Estonian history and culture. It is a must-see for all those looking to get a unique glimpse into the rich history of the castle and the Bock family.
Experience of people & Reviews of Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa
Tõstamaa Castle is a picturesque and highly acclaimed tourist attraction located in the quaint small village of Tõstamaa, Estonia, just south of Pärnu. Visitors have shared overwhelmingly positive reviews about their experiences at the castle. They attest to the beautiful grounds and the castle itself, noting how much charm and history the building exudes. Guests have particularly appreciated the castle's setting: from the beautiful rolling hills and nature preserves to the fountains, ponds, and charming cobblestone streets of the old town. Additionally, they have praised the castle's staff, who go out of their way to make sure each visitor feels welcomed, comfortable, and refreshed after their visit. Further, visitors mention a “magical” sense of peace that pervades the castle, one that makes them want to stay and explore its secrets further. Altogether, the overwhelming consensus is that the experience of visiting the castle in Tõstamaa is unique and magical and cannot be found elsewhere in Estonia.You would listen to the most common horror stories on paranormal hotels.
FAQ'S of Tõstamaa Castle, Tõstamaa
, Estonia
Q. What is Tõstamaa Castle?
A. Tõstamaa Castle is a 19th century castle in Tõstamaa, Estonia. The castle was built in 1842 by Countess Amalie von Üxküll-Gyllenband and was the primary residence of the von Üxküll family until 1921.
Q. What is the history of Tõstamaa Castle?
A. Tõstamaa Castle was built in 1842 by Countess Amalie von Üxküll-Gyllenband and was primarily used by her family until 1921. In 1921 the family left the castle and it was abandoned until 1975 when the government of Estonia purchased the property and opened it for public tours.
Q. What types of attractions are available at Tõstamaa Castle?
A. Tõstamaa Castle offers visitors a range of attractions including guided tours of the castle and the surrounding park. Visitors can also enjoy a museum, tea room, restaurant and sauna.
Q. What is the best way to get to Tõstamaa Castle?
A. The best way to get to Tõstamaa Castle is by car. The castle is approximately 44 miles from Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and is easily accessible by road. There are also daily bus services from Tallinn to Tõstamaa Castle.

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