Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is a terrifying yet captivating sight, located in Hunan, China. It is a beloved tourist destination and its history is filled with horror stories, paranormal activities, and tales of destruction. Read on to learn more about this sensational structure.

Horror Story of Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
The sun had already set by the time Robin arrived at the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge. At 922 feet long and built some 400 meters above sea level, it was the longest and highest glass bridge in the world. But it was not the thrill of the bungee platform, highspeed slides or viewing decks that had drawn Robin and so many other tourists to the bridge; it was the legends of the supernatural said to be prevalent in the Hunan region.
According to local legends, anyone who attempted to cross the bridge at night risked being cursed. Those who did so rarely made it to the other side alive. Robin had heard rumours that the bridge was guarded by eerie spirits that appeared in the dark hours of the night, preying on unwary tourists.
Despite the warnings, Robin was too brave - or too foolish - to heed the tales. He stepped onto the glass bridge, the first person to do so for years. Seconds later, an ominous feeling descended upon him. It was as if a chill had taken ahold of his heart, and he could feel an invisible force pushing him from the bridge.
Terrified, Robin started running, his feet slipping across the glass until he eventually reached the other end of the bridge. Just when he thought he was safe, he heard a shrill laugh coming from the bridge. It was a sinister sound like nothing he had ever heard before. He quickly turned towards the bridge and gasped. All the lights had gone out, but Robin could still make out a figure standing at the edge of the bridge. The figure seemed to be beckoning him back, as if it knew that Robin could never stay away.
With a hideous scream, the figure leapt off the bridge into the void below. Robin watched as the creature disappeared in a resolute manner. Robin knew then he would never be able to forget the sight or the experience he had in Hunan.
History & Information of Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is located between two peaks of the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China. The bridge was designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan and was built by the domestic Chinese firm fabricated by the Chengda Group. The bridge opened to the public on August 20, 2016.
The bridge has a span of 430 meters (1,400 ft) and is 6-meter-wide (20-foot-wide). It can accommodate up to 800 people at a time. It is also the world’s highest and longest glass bridge and set three Guinness World Records in 2016 for the longest, highest and most transparent span.
The bridge is made of 99 panels of clear tempered glass. The transparent panels are 3-meter-long (10-foot-long) and 1.2-meter wide (4-foot-wide), which are connected to each other in space out of the frame structure. The bridge also has a guardrail with 15 handrails to protect visitors.
The bridge cost 250 million yuan (US$37.4 million) to complete and was built to attract more visitors to the Zhangjiajie area. In 2016, the bridge saw over 7.6 million visitors. Over the years, visitors have increased to 13 million in 2019 and continues to increase.
In 2018, the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge was nominated as “the Best Tourism Attraction” in the World Tourism Awards. It also won "The Best Nongfu Spring Scenic Spot Award" in 2019, the most highly regarded award in the Chinese outdoor industry.If the spiritual world interests you then you must visit this one of the most haunted places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
One of the most incredible Paranomial Activities in Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge located in Hunan is the 100m-high bungee jump. Tourists who dare to take the challenge get rewarded with a breathtaking view of the scenic landscape of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It is the longest, highest and heaviest glass bridge in the world. This activity attracts many brave-hearted people who are ready to take the plunge and soak in the beauty of the lush green nature that surrounds them. For some brave souls, there is also the option of the handrailing chute, a type of zip-lining activity that lets visitors ride a rail from one end of the 420m bridge to the other with a safety harness around their waist. Along with these two thrilling experiences, visitors can also take part in a range of other activities such as rock climbing, trekking, and cable car photographs. Furthermore, there are also gondola viewpoints where tourists can take in the picturesque view of the valley below. With all these incredible activities, the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is a must-visit for all adventure seekers.
Experience of people & Reviews of Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
Most people who have been to Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in Hunan are highly impressed by the scenery and the general experience they had. People have described it as having an otherworldly feel with the bridge 300+ metres suspended in mid air amid mountain cliffs which reach for the sky and nestled within lush greenery. People have also mentioned that the entire experience to the bridge was wonderful, from the drive to the small villages they travel through to the misty trails surrounded by lush vegetation.
Many people have shared the taking travel photos while traversing across the bridge has become one of the main attractions when visiting the area. As the bridge is 300+ metres long, people can take in the unique views of the valleys, karst landscape and distant mountain peaks.
Overall reviews have been very positive. Many have praised the structure as one of the most incredible engineering achievements in modern times. Not only is it a very vivid example of Chinese architecture, but it is also a rare opportunity to have a bird’s-eye view of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. People have noted the amazing architecture of the bridge, and the overall unique and thrilling experience it provides.
FAQ'S of Hunan - Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge
Q: Where is the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge located?
A: The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is located in the Wulingyuan Scenic Area of Zhangjiajie in the province of Hunan, China.
Q: How high is the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge?
A: The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is 300 meters (984 feet) long and 300 meters (984 feet) above the ground.
Q: What is the highest point of the bridge?
A: The highest point of the bridge is 180 meters (590 feet) above the ground.
Q: How wide is the bridge?
A: The bridge is 6 meters (20 feet) wide and made out of four layers of clear glass.
Q: How much does it cost to cross the bridge?
A: There is no charge if you walk across the bridge, but entrance to Wulingyuan Scenic Area costs 200 RMB for the day.

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