Botswanaâs most popular historical monuments range from a group of large baobab trees to giant-size footprints fossilized in the rock. Including expanses of salt flats, the Kalahari deserts are the other iconic attractions and monuments in Botswana and how can you miss some very beautiful mountains. Botswana is the perfect destination to find both natural and manmade African landmarks for tourists who enjoy a spot of adventures such as both the famous he much-climbed Kgale Hill and Tsodilo Hills. Here are some of the historical monuments of Botswana:
List of Monuments in Botswana
1. Tsodilo Hills
The hills are Botswanaâs highest point at 1,395 meters, and one of the monuments to visit in Botswana that has been attracting people to trade, visit and live there for thousands of years. Most of these dating between 850 and 1100 C.E, there are more than 4,500 paintings at 400 sites. Tsodilo is rich in archaeological finds apart from that. White Painting Shelter, Depression Shelter, and Rhino Cave, three rock shelters namely, have been excavated.
2. Old Palapye
With material culture encompassing the Middle Stone Age, Old Palapye is a composite site of Late Stone Age, Early, the 19th century and as well as Late Iron Age. Because of the remains of the Ngwato capital, during the reign of the famous Kgosi Khama III, this site was established in 1889. The Bangwato were moving from Shoshong where including water shortage there was environmental degradation. It is one of the top monuments in Botswana. To consolidate political power they also moved there and safeguard their boundary in the area. The British South Africa Company (BSA Co) and Amandebele were threatening to take their land. The boundaries of this country, the establishment of the town played a major role in defining.
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3. Majojo
Spread to the west of the highway, Majojo is a small hill. On the eastern end of Majojo Hill, the ruins are situated. They were a Muzinda, between 1300-1650AD, the residence of a chief or âKgosiâ. An extension of Great Zimbabwe traditions walls is considered. It is a popular monument in Botswana. Stretching from Nkange and Sua Pan to the Limpopo river, Majojo Monument is one of the 105 known Zimbabwean Tradition elites in eastern Botswana. In southern Africa, there are more than 550 known stonewalls.
4. Mamuno Monument (Kangumene Rock Engravings)
Include footprints, handprints, geometric designs and weapons, engravings that occur at Kangumene. Those found at Olifanskloof are similar to Xanagas. Grooves similar to those spears are also found at Olifanskloof farm created from sharpening knives. It is one of the best monuments in Botswana. There are only five petroglyphs at present sites all located near Mamuno known in western Botswana. These are similar to a number of engravings in Namibia that have been studied. However, unlike those in Namibia they are ambiguous, which are mostly trance based.
5. Kolobeng
Established by the missionary doctor David Livingstone of the London Missionary Society, Kolobeng is one of the early churches and formal schools in Botswana. To practice in Botswana, he was the first western medical doctor. Because of the closeness to the Kolobeng river, he set up the mission at this place which was then known as âThe river that never dries upâ. Here he introduced Bakwena to irrigation and European methods of building. This old monument in Botswana is worth visiting. It is also the place where he won Kgosi Sechele I of Bakwena over his first Motswana convert.
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6. Matsieng
In southern Africa, Matsieng is one of the well-known âCreation Sites.â The main attraction at the site is Rock engravings or petroglyphs. With dots representing animal tracks, these are in the form of u-shaped footprints. There are two large holes at Matsieng in addition to the engravings. Depending on rainfall conditions, these retain water for a long time. Whether the holes are natural or volcanic, this famous monument in Botswana has not been established. With the creation myth that attempts to explain cosmology, the site is associated. Emerged from the site followed by his people and animal, legend has it that Matsieng is one of the ancestors of the Sotho-Tswana.
7. Gcwihaba
When they were shown to Martinus Drotsky, a Ghanzi farmer, Gcwihaba Caves came to be known to the international community in 1932. Now, these caves have since been popularly known as Drotskyâs Caves. When wetter conditions and acidulated water flowing from underground dissolved the rocks they have been formed in the dolomite marble of the Precambrian Damara Age. A river forming nearby lowered the water table, subsequently. It is an ancient monument in Botswana. Including fascinating stalactites and stalagmites formed as early as 3-2 million years ago, then a wide range of cave formations.
8. Domboshaba
Consists of dry stone walls, it was occupied towards the end of the Great Zimbabwe period. In the Khami phase (1450-1690AD, it was a regional center. On the hilltop, the first part of the site. On a valley, the second part is at a lower level. There are six enclosures one at the lower level and on the hill. The chief lived on the hilltop, it is believed that with some of his assistants. It is the most visited monuments in Botswana. With a lot of daga floor structures, his wives probably lived on the southern side in a big enclosure. For local communities, Domboshaba is a sacred site. At the site, there are annual ceremonies conducted.
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9. Lekhubu
Once one of the largest inland lakes in Africa, Lekhubu lies in the remnants of the Ancient Lake, Makgadikgadi. The lake gradually filled up with sand and sediment about 20 000 years ago drier climatic conditions occurred. Today, with a few centimeters of water during the rainy season Sua Pan, a sheet of salt-encrusted clay, is only covered. Surrounded by this sea of salt, the rocky Lekhubu outcrop. It is one of the beautiful monuments in Botswana.
10. Manyana Rock Paintings Shelter
Beyond Tsodilo Hills in terms of rock art, Manyana is one of the few rock art sites that make us think. It is one of the most accessible sites and one of the monuments to see in Botswana, less than an hourâs drive from Gaborone. Around the cliffs in the village, there are several paintings scattered. As part of religious activities, they are believed to have been created. People regularly visited for certain rituals and it seems that this was a sacred site. With black paintings, Manyana is also one of the few rock art sites.
So far we have discussed the best monuments in Botswana, which contains the proper information regarding all the most visited monuments in Botswana. I hope you might have loved reading this article and if you love to know more about Botswana then kindly head to our other articles as well which will help you to get knowledge about Botswana.
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