What's the protocol for safe wildlife encounters, especially with kangaroos or wallabies?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Encountering wildlife in the great outdoors is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, but it is important to be safe and respectful. This blog looks into the protocols and safety tips for when we come across kangaroos or wallabies in the wild.

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1. Remain at a distance. Typically it is best to stay at least 10-15 feet away from the animal, though the particular situation and type of animal may dictate a different distance.
2. Stay still. Do not make sudden movements or noises that may startle the animal. Above all, do not approach the animal.
3. Be aware of the animal’s surroundings. Make sure you’re not encroaching upon the animal’s home, or that there are no other hazards or predators nearby.
4. Never feed the animal. Feeding wild animals can cause them to become dependent on humans for food, and may also disrupt their natural behavior.
5. Know when to give up. If the animal is exhibiting stress or fear, it is best to slowly back away and leave it alone.

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