Suez Canal In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services

The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway located in Egypt connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It was constructed between 1859 and 1869, spanning a length of about 164 km (101.7 miles). Its purpose is to provide a secure passage for ships travelling between Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Suez Canal It is one of the best churches in Egypt which you must visit.


The construction of the Suez Canal was first proposed by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, but his efforts to build the canal were hindered by the wars he fought around this time. The attempt was taken up again by Ferdinand de Lesseps, who was granted a concession by the Viceroy of Egypt, Ismail Pasha, in 1854. The construction began in April 1859 and was completed in November 1869. The first ship to go through the canal was La Ville de Paris, a French frigate. Suez Canal This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Egypt.


Here are some facts about the Suez Canal In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Egypt
• The longest duration for a vessel to pass through the canal was 19 hours 14 minutes and 45 seconds. • The Suez Canal earns $5 billion annually from the passage of ships through its waters. • Most of the canal is between 40-80 meters wide and depths up to 24 meters. • Every day, about 50 vessels pass through the canal. Suez Canal

The Suez Canal Authority is the primary provider of services for vessels navigating the canal. This includes ship piloting, towing assistance, provisional anchorage, tug assistance, search and rescue, and water supply. The Authority also provides dredging, maintenance, and security services to ensure the safety of vessels and cargo while they are travelling through the canal. This beautiful church in Egypt has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Egypt most popular tourist destination with us. Suez Canal In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Egypt main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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