21st Century Church of Christ In Japan: History,Facts, & Services

21st Century Church of Christ is a Christian fellowship that arose in 2009 out of a need to serve the spiritual needs of believers living in a modern world. It is based on the principle of 'Acceptance, Respect and Love.' The church is not a denomination and contains members from a variety of backgrounds, beliefs and races. History The 21st Century Church of Christ was founded in 2009, by Adam Shaw and a group of friends. They had a desire to create a community of believers who embraced a modern, accepting and loving faith. They based their primary teachings around the values of Acceptance, Respect and Love, and the progressive beliefs of humanity, scientific discoveries and the search for an understanding of a spiritual reality. Facts 1. 21st Century Church of Christ is an accepting, progressive and diverse Christian fellowship. 2. The church is not an official denomination, and its members come from varying backgrounds and beliefs. 3. The primary values of Acceptance, Respect and Love are preached by the church. Services 21st Century Church of Christ services include worship, prayer, bible studies, fellowship, retreats and outreach activities. Every service contains elements of traditional and modern worship and teachings. The church also hosts special events such as cultural activities, concerts, seminars and talks that foster community building, diversity and education.

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