Pyramid of Pepi II at Saqqara In Egypt: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is the oldest and largest of the three major pyramids at the Saqqara Necropolis in Egypt. It was built for the pharaoh Pepi II of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. The pyramid is composed of six successively smaller step-pyramids, and is located near the pyramid of Djoser. The pyramid still stands, and archaeological research is ongoing at the site. The total volume of the pyramid is estimated to be about 75,000 cubic meters, making it one of the largest structures in the ancient world. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Egypt
Prominent Features:

- The pyramid of Pepi II at Saqqara is the largest and final pyramid of the 6th Dynasty, constructed during the reign of King Pepi II at the ancient Egyptian royal necropolis of Saqqara. - This pyramid stands at a height of 62 meters, and is the largest in the area, and the second largest in the world only behind the Great Pyramid of Giza. - The pyramid of Pepi II is unusual in that it has four entrances, and is surrounded by a unique panel of limestone decorated walls and statues of gods that protect the Pharaoh. - In addition, Pepi II's pyramid complex contains five small pyramids, two boat pits, and other structures including temples, causeways, and a valley temple. - Pyramids in the area around the pyramid of Pepi II were labeled with numerical value and Pepi II was associated with the number five, allowing researchers to understand the sequence and purpose of the building. - The construction of the pyramids and temples at Saqqara demonstrate the ancient Egyptian's advanced engineering and architectural skills as well as their great reverence for the gods and worship of their rulers. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Egypt.


The Pyramid of Pepi II at Saqqara is one of the Subterranean Structures of Teti that were discovered during excavations in the 20th century. Like the other pyramids of the time that were known for having large tombs, the Pyramid of Pepi II was built as a burial site. It is believed to have been constructed around 2400 BC, and is thought to be the last pyramid to be built at Saqqara. The structure is one of the smallest of the Old Kingdom pyramids, measuring only 68.5 meters (225 ft) at its base, with a height of around 40 meters (130 ft). Despite its size, the Pyramid of Pepi II stands out as a remarkable construction of the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt. A monumental entrance leads to a deep descending corridor, from which five side chambers and a burial chamber branch off. The burial chamber of the pyramid is quite unique in its decoration and features several stone blocks inscribed with the names of a number of deities associated with the afterlife. The chamber also houses several canopic jars in which the deceased’s organs were believed to be stored. The walls of the tomb are also filled with scenes of the afterlife, including scenes of the ship of eternity. It is thought that the Pyramid of Pepi II was not completed in its entirety and may have been abandoned after the death of the king due to some political unrest. In any case, the Pyramid of Pepi II at Saqqara still stands today as a unique and remarkable construction from the earlier times of ancient Egyptian civilization. Visit one of the famous monuments of Egypt with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Pyramid of Pepi II is the largest surviving step pyramid in Egypt. It was completed in c.2130 BC, during the 6th Dynasty of Egypt's Old Kingdom. 2. The pyramid's base was originally approximately 73 metres (240 ft) in length and 49 meters (161 ft) in width, but is now significantly reduced in height and length. 3. Inside the pyramid are 16 burial chambers filled with antiques and monuments that were excavated by a German archaeological team in 1909. 4. The Pyramid of Pepi II was once covered in white limestone casing stones, but they were all removed thousands of years ago and used to build other monuments. 5. The stones in the Pyramid of Pepi II are arranged in what’s known as a ‘benbenet’ design—a stepped pyramid with each layer slightly smaller than the ones below it. 6. A unique feature of the Pyramid of Pepi II is that its burial chambers are located at ground-level, as opposed to being built inside the structure. One of the historical monuments of Egypt, it tells the story of a bygone era

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