Crimean War Memorial In Russia: History,Facts, & Services

The Crimean War Memorial is a memorial located in London, England that commemorates those who died during the Crimean War. It was built between 1876 and 1877 and is located in St James’s Park. The memorial takes the form of an obelisk made of granite and Portland stone, standing 20 metres tall and surmounted by a bronze figure of the winged goddess Nike. History The Crimean War Memorial was not the first memorial in Britain commemorating the Crimean War; smaller, local memorials had already been erected in various parts of the country. The idea for the London monument was a petition from veterans demanding a larger, central one that finally culminated in a private member’s bill sponsored by Richard Ansdell in the House of Commons. The bill was eventually passed in 1876 and the memorial was completed the following year. Facts • The Crimean War Memorial was designed by Sir John Tenniel. • It was unveiled by Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli on 17 October 1877. • Alongside the main memorial, four smaller memorials were erected in Victoria Tower Gardens, Parliament Square, Windmill Hill in Dublin, and outside the Bank of Ireland in College Green. • The memorial’s wreath was replaced in 2010 by the Crimean War Centenary Commemoration Society as part of the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the war. Services The memorial is cared for by Historic England and is open to the public. There is a service at the memorial every year on 17 October to commemorate the unveiling of the monument. This service includes the laying of wreaths and speeches by various military, political and religious figures.

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