Azov Fortress In Russia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Azov Fortress is a historical fortress in Azov, Russia. Built in 1698, it was established by Peter the Great and was an important fortification in the Russo-Turkish war of 1735–1739. The fort, built of stone and earth, was intended as a major defense point for the Don River. The stronghold itself was heavily damaged during the siege that was organized by a strong Turkish army in 1737. It was later renovated in the early 18th century. Its walls and towers are now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Russia
Prominent Features:

1. Situated in the Russian city of Azov, the Azov Fortress is a former citadel that was built in 1571. 2. The fortress is situated on a hill overlooking the Don River and the Sea of Azov, and was built to protect the Don Cossacks. 3. The original walls of the Azov Fortress are made of Stone and Clay and are 20 metres (65 feet) high and twometers thick. 4. It is surrounded by a dry moat (in French, a fossé) crossed by three drawbridges. 5. The fortress has several watchtowers, which were used to spot enemy troops approaching. 6. Inside the citadel are two churches, the Christ the Saviour Cathedral and the Church of St Nicholas. 7. Azov Fortress is a popular tourist destination and a symbol of the city of Azov. 8. Today, the fortress is surrounded by a museum, several cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Russia.


Azov Fortress was established by Peter the Great on May 5th, 1696 in the Russian city of Azov, located on the Don River delta. The fortress was built to protect the newly acquired territories in the south of Russia, and to provide a strategic foothold in the preparation of the Russian Fleet. After the city of Azov was taken by the Cossacks in 1637, the fortress greatly strengthened the security of the region. Peter the Great personally planned and oversaw the construction of the fortress, giving specific instructions to his military engineers and directors. Long trenches were dug, stone walls were built, towers constructed and two citadels were put in place. The fortress featured five bastions, a big vacle and a citadel at the center. Other fortifications included a deep protective ditch filled with water. The fortress served as an important transit point for the Russian forces during the Russo-Turkish war of 1695-1696, and provided a secure defensive position. During the Great Northern War of 1701-1721, it repelled a number of attacks from the Swedish forces. The fortress underwent many changes in the course of the centuries. In 1710, for example, it was reconstructed to meet the needs of modern warfare. In 1741, its gates were conquered and destroyed by a Turkish force led by Amon Giray, Khan of the Crimean Khanate. In 1806, the fortress was again reconstructed, and during the Crimean War of 1856, it was fortified with high walls and earthworks in anticipation of an enemy siege. Despite being badly damaged by the Soviet authorities in 1931-1932, many of its structures are still standing and open to visitors. Today, the fortress continues to serve as a reminder of the great military power of Peter the Great’s Russia. Visit one of the famous monuments of Russia with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Azov Fortress is the oldest Russian fortification in the Sea of Azov, dating back to 16th century. 2. It was founded by Prince Alexander Mikhaylovich Baryatinskiy in 1515. 3. The fortress served as an important strategic location on the way to Crimea. 4. The walls of the fortress were made of mud and stone and its length is 420 meters. 5. The fortress was besieged multiple times by the Ottoman Empire during the Russo-Turkish War in 1641-1642. 6. During the World War II, the fortress was used as the headquarters of the Nazi forces. 7. After the war, it was declared an official historical and cultural reserve. 8. The castle now serves as the headquarters of the Azov-Kuban Naval Infantry Brigade of the Russian Navy. One of the historical monuments of Russia, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Russia most popular tourist destination with us. Azov Fortress In Russia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Russia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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