Reformed Church Dzivarasekwa ( Rcz Dz ) In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is a Christian denomination in Zimbabwe, which was founded in 1975 by Bishop J.L. Kumbirai and is part of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. It is one of the few remaining churches in Zimbabwe that follows the teachings of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Directory of Public Worship. They hold to a reformed, evangelical, and traditional Christian faith, and emphasize the authority of the Scriptures. The church is actively involved in evangelism and social action and networks with other Reformed churches, both in Africa and around the world. It is most active in the capital city of Harare but also has congregations in many other parts of the country. It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


1. The Reformed Church Dzivarasekwa (RCzDz) was established in 1997 as an independent church in Zimbabwe by Pastor David Masendeke. 2. The current Moderator of the RCzDz is Rev. Tichawona Tiviya. 3. The RCzDz is part of Zimbabwe's Council of Churches. 4. Its doctrine is based on the Reformed Church of Zambia’s “Confession of Faith” and built on the belief in God as the only true and living God and in Jesus Christ as his son and Saviour. 5. The RCzDz’s ministry is largely focused on preaching the gospel to the people in Dzivarasekwa and beyond, establishing churches and helping one another in accordance with the principles of Christian love. 6. The RCzDz also has a school, the RCzDz Tumutumu School, which provides basic education for children in the surrounding rural areas. 7. The RCzDz is a member of the International Association of Reformed Churches in Africa (IARCA). 8. The RCzDz’s main offices are located in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


1. Worship – Rcz Dz provides weekly worshipping services for its members and visitors. These services include hymns, Bible readings, prayers, and sermons. The church also offers special services for special occasions such as weddings, funerals, and baptisms. 2. Fellowship and Community Outreach – Rcz Dz is actively involved in community outreach programs, such as providing food and basic needs to those in need. The church also provides opportunities for members to participate in social gatherings and other activities throughout the year. 3. Bible Studies and Classes – Rcz Dz provides classes on various topics related to the Bible for all ages. These classes often include discussions, interactive activities, and guest speakers. 4. Music and Arts – Rcz Dz hosts a variety of musical events throughout the year, including the annual Christmas Festival and summertime concerts. The church also sponsors various arts activities such as painting, sculpture, and pottery classes. 5. Children’s Ministries – Rcz Dz offers weekly Sunday School classes as well as a variety of activities and events for children throughout the year. 6. Youth Groups – Rcz Dz has an active youth program, which includes youth retreats, mission trips, and regular meetings for fellowship and spiritual growth. 7. Counseling and Support Services – Rcz Dz provides counseling services for those in need. The church also offers support groups and other assistance for members dealing with difficult life situations. 8. Prayer Requests and Helpline – Rcz Dz provides an online prayer request forum as well as a helpline for individuals to call and speak with specially trained individuals for prayer and guidance. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Reformed Church Dzivarasekwa ( Rcz Dz ) In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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