Quan Su Temple - Hanoi In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a Buddhist temple located in the heart of Hanoi, Vietnam. Originally established in the 15th century, it serves as a place of worship for Buddhists from all over the country. The temple complex is composed of several structures, including meditation halls, gardens and stupas, and hosts many religious activities and festivals throughout the year. It is also home to the Institute of Buddhist Studies, where monks learn and practice the teachings of the Buddha. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vietnam
Prominent Features:

1. The main entrance to Quan Su Temple (also known as the Temple of Literature) is the Ngo Mon Gate, a three-arch passageway. 2. Inside Quan Su Temple, visitors will find an ornate courtyard containing a large white marble altar, shrines, and a ceremonial pavilion. 3. Along the sides of the courtyard are the Five Dragons Pavilion, the Thien Quang Well, and other smaller structures. 4. The temple's altars are dedicated to Confucius and Four Perfections, and various other scholars and philosophers from Vietnamese history. 5. Decorative engravings of Confucius can be found on pillars and walls throughout the temple. 6. A flame, lit by the Emperor Ly Thai To in 1064, still burns inside the temple. 7. The entrance to the courtyard is lined with statues of army officers and scholars from Vietnamese history. 8. A statue of Confucius stands in the middle of the courtyard. 9. On the eastern side of the temple is an aviary with rare birds and trees. 10. The complex also features many traditional buildings, such as the Van Mieu Dam (study chamber), and the Van Mieu Duong (corridor of literary memorials). This national monument of Vietnam portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Quan Su Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the Hoan Kiem district of Hanoi, Vietnam. The temple has been in existence since the late 16th century, when it was founded by the monks of the Tran Dynasty. Built in the traditional Chinese style of architecture, the temple features a seven-story pagoda, the Temple of Literature, and numerous precious relics. The temple became the centre of Vietnamese Buddhism after 1787, when the Emperor Gia Long proclaimed himself emperor of a unified Vietnam and shifted his capital to Hanoi. In 1835, the court of Vietnam and the Hanoi Ecclesiastic College were established here, in the temple grounds. Since then, Quan Su Temple has become an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists from all over Vietnam. The temple is especially known for its annual festival of Trung Thu (the Mid-Autumn Festival), which is celebrated every year in late September or early October with traditional music, decorations, and offerings. The temple also houses a small museum, which contains exhibits on Vietnamese Buddhist history and culture. The temple is also home to many unique and intricately designed statues, artifacts, and relics, which include the head of a Vietnamese Buddha, and an antique bronze bell. These artifacts have been provided by the monks of the temple or donated by Buddhists around the world. The Quan Su Temple continues to be an important site for Buddhist worship and pilgrimage in Vietnam. Every year, hundreds of worshippers come to the temple from across the country to worship and make offerings, and the temple is a popular destination among both Buddhists and tourists alike. You must visit one of these historical places in Vietnam on your Vietnam tour

Interesting facts:

1. Quan Su temple is one of the oldest and most important temples in Hanoi. It was originally built in the 15th century as a Buddhist temple dedicated to Quan Su, the goddess of mercy. 2. Today, the temple is a popular pilgrimage destination for Vietnamese Buddhists, and it’s considered one of the must-see temples in Hanoi. 3. The temple houses several beautiful and important artifacts, including a 17th-century wooden statue of Quan Su, an 11th-century bronze bell, and numerous ancient murals and sculptures. 4. Every September, the temple hosts a large celebration to honor Quan Su, and thousands of people come to enjoy the festivities and show their devotion to the goddess. 5. During the French colonial reign of Vietnam, Quan Su temple served as an important refuge for freedom fighters who sought refuge there. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vietnam with your friends and family.

Explore Vietnam most popular tourist destination with us. Quan Su Temple - Hanoi In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Vietnam main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , Quan Su Temple is located in the capital city of Hanoi.

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, Quan Su Temple is located in the capital city of Hanoi. Vietnam

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