Hoa Binh Parish Church In Vietnam: History,Facts, & Services

Hoa Binh Parish Church In Vietnam is a Roman Catholic Church located in the rural province of Hoa Binh in northern Vietnam. Historically established in 1904, the church serves the considerable Catholic faithful of the province. It is managed and staffed by diocesan clergy and laypersons from all denominations, including Buddhists, shamanists, Protestants and Cao-Daists. It provides spiritual services to both local and foreign visitors, including mass, catechism and baptisms. Hoa Binh Parish Church offers a variety of social services and activities, including marriage counseling, family education, and activities for youth and seniors. In addition, the parish has been active in the development and advancement of the quality of life of Hoa Binh’s citizens, providing assistance and support during times of need. It is also involved in the promotion of justice and peace by helping to build bridges between faiths and cultures.

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Hoa Binh Vietnam

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