San Francisco Catholic Church In Peru: History,Facts, & Services


San Francisco Catholic Church is an important historical landmark located in the capital of Peru, Lima. Built in the 17th century, this exquisite place of worship is a reminder of the influence of the Spanish colonization in Peru. The church is dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi and contains several important works and artifacts from the late colonial period. It is also home to the annual grand procession of Corpus Christi. The facade of the church is adorned with intricate carvings of religious motifs and its interiors are filled with baroque-style frescos. San Francisco Catholic Church has been declared a national cultural heritage and is an important attraction of Lima. It is one of the best churches in Peru which you must visit.


1. The San Francisco Catholic Church is located in the city of Lima, Peru. 2. The church was built in 1535 and is the oldest church in Lima. 3. The church is dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi and is the earliest example of Spanish Baroque architecture in the country. 4. Its centuries-old frescos and decorations are considered some of the finest works of colonial religious art in Peru. 5. The church is also home to the catacombs, the oldest in Lima. 6. Over 20,000 people are buried in the catacombs beneath the church, making it one of the largest burial sites in South America. 7. The San Francisco Church is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, due to its extraordinary history and impressive artworks. Here are some facts about the Peru Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Peru


1. Mass: The San Francisco Catholic Church in Peru offers Mass services to the public throughout the week and during special holidays. 2. Baptism: The San Francisco Church conducts baptisms and prepares couples for the sacrament. 3. Reconciliation: Reconciliation services are available for individuals desiring the sacrament. 4. Confirmation: Preparation for and celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation is offered. 5. Marriage: The Church offers marriage preparation courses as well as care for those already married. 6. Funerals: Funeral services are offered as well as bereavement counseling for families of those who have passed away. This beautiful church in Peru has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. San Francisco Catholic Church In Peru: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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