Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge in Cusco In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Q'eswachaka Bridge is an Inca rope bridge located in the rugged canyon of Apurímac River, in Peru's Cusco Region. The bridge is constructed annually each June by local Quechua people using techniques passed down for centuries. The bridge is constructed from local handwoven ropes and bamboo. The bridge spans a width of some 50 m and a length of about 70 m, making it one of the largest bridges in the region. The bridge serves a vital purpose for local people in connecting the two sides of the Apurímac canyon. In 2012, the Q'eswachaka Bridge was declared a Cultural Heritage of Peru by the Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (National Council of Peruvian Cultural Heritage). It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge in Cusco, Peru is one of the last remaining examples of traditional Incan rope bridge construction. The bridge is built entirely of hand-plaited grasses and one maguey plant rope, and is constructed over the Apurimac River. It is approximately 20 meters long and is rebuilt every June, by members of four neighboring villages, using techniques that have been passed down for centuries. The bridge is a testament to the ingenuity, resilience, and cultural heritage of the Inca people, making it a popular tourist destination and a symbol of the region’s identity. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge is a 500-year-old Incan rope bridge located in the state of Cusco in Peru. It is one of the few surviving examples of Incan engineering and continues to be maintained by local communities in the area. The bridge is situated over the Apurimac River and consists of nine ropes that span 140 feet in length. Q'eswachaka was originally constructed in the 16th century by the Quechua people, the indigenous ethnic group native to Peru. The bridge connected two villages on either side of the rapids in the Apurimac River and helped facilitate trade between the two regions. The bridge was destroyed by flooding in the 1950s and was revived in the 1980s when the local communities came together to rebuild it. A new bridge was constructed using the same Incan techniques as the original and it has been maintained by the local people ever since. Today, the bridge serves as a tourist attraction and an important reminder of Incan engineering and ingenuity. Every year, members of the Quechua communities gather to replace the ropes as part of a traditional “bridge renewal” ritual. The new ropes are usually made from grass that is carefully platted together and then woven through the bridge’s frames. Q'eswachaka is a testament to the ingenuity of the Incan people and the importance of maintaining local traditions. With its traditional weaving techniques still in use, the bridge stands as a symbol of Peruvian culture and heritage. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge is an Inca rope bridge located near the town of Huinchiri, in the Cusco Region of Peru. 2. The bridge has been rebuilt by Inca descendants every June since the 16th century out of local grasses and the Andean queuña tree. 3. It is 38 metres long and hangs 70 metres above the Apurimac River. 4. The bridge is built entirely without the use of modern tools, only the most basic of Inca technologies can be used. 5. It is believed that the Inca General Tupac Yupanqui, on his way to Cusco, crossed the bridge in the 15th century. 6. In 2007, UNESCO designated it a Historic Sanctuary of Peru. 7. The stone pillars that support the bridge have been there since Inca times and are cleaned and reinforced when rebuilding the bridge. 8. Locals believe that the bridge has a spiritual power and take part in rituals during the rebuilding of the bridge. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge in Cusco In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge is located in Cusco, Peru.

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Q'eswachaka Rope Bridge is located in Cusco, Peru. Peru

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