Moray Agricultural Terraces in the Sacred Valley In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Moray Agricultural Terraces in the Sacred Valley in Peru are structures built by the Incans hundreds of years ago. They are concentric, stepped circular terraces containing several levels, each one slightly deeper than the one above. Creating them was a monumental task, crafted by hand with sharp stone tools. The Incans created these terraces, which are the deepest known in the world, for farming and research purposes. The varying temperatures between the levels creates various microclimates, enabling the Incans to cultivate different crops and create plant species with improved characteristics. To this day, scientists are still studying the Moray Agricultural Terraces to understand the marvelous engineering, purpose, and significance of these mysterious and enigmatic structures. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Peru
Prominent Features:

1. Ancient Technologies: The Moray agricultural terraces are a remarkable example of Inca-era engineering, built with four large circular tiers deep within the Sacred Valley. They were created by a method of incising stone in a spiraling pattern and skillfully fitting stones together in a manner that held rainwater and created a microclimate. 2. Dramatic Differences in Temperature: This microclimate was especially beneficial to growers in the region because it created a difference in temperature of approximately 15°C (27°F) between the top and the bottom of the terraces. This allowed for crops to be grown in an early and late season, extending the growing season and increasing the yield of the valley’s harvest. 3. Soil Engineering: To further increase productivity, the Inca engineers also created a complex irrigation system which radically changed the soil composition. By diverting water from the river below, they were able to create patches of soil which were rich in nitrogen and other essential nutrients. 4. Symbolic Significance: Outsiders often marvel at the craftsmanship and the productivity of the Moray agricultural terraces. Local inhabitants however, see them as a symbol of the past. This was the site where the Inca and their ancestors grew crops for centuries before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers. As such, it is considered a place of spiritual significance. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Peru.


The agricultural terraces of Moray, located in the Sacred Valley of Peru, are an incredible ancient site with extraordinary beauty. The site consists of several circular terraces that have been cut out of the earth, making them look like giant agricultural bowls. It is believed that the terraces were used for agricultural experimentation over 1500 years ago by the Inca people. The Incas used the terraces for growing different kinds of plants in different climates. It is thought that the terraces may have also been used as an agricultural laboratory of sorts where the Incas tested out different types of plants and techniques. They were able to use the natural gradient of the land in order to create different microclimates and climates within the terraces. This allowed them to experiment with a variety of plants in different ways in order to determine which plants would do best in certain conditions and locations. The terraces are still in remarkable condition, making them an awe-inspiring sight. The terraces are also a reminder of the skill and craftsmanship of the ancient Incas. They demonstrate how the incas were able to skillfully use the land to create an efficient agricultural system. Today, the terraces are a major tourist attraction in the Sacred Valley area. People come from all over the world to marvel at the terraces and learn about their history. They are a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Incas and a reminder of how much can be accomplished with the right tools and determination. Visit one of the famous monuments of Peru with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Moray Inca agricultural terraces in the Sacred Valley of Peru are thought to have been built by the Incas around 1000 – 1400 AD. 2. The agricultural terraces are believed to have been used as an experimental laboratory to study the effects of different climatic conditions and microclimates on crops. 3. The terraces were built in a circular form, with two large terraces in the center, surrounded by increasingly smaller terraces. 4. The temperature difference between the upper and lower terraces can be as much as 15°C, giving the Incas the capability to grow a variety of crops within the same area. 5. The Incas are thought to have used the terraces to cultivate maize, potatoes, peanuts, squash, beans, tomatoes, peppers, and coca, among other crops. 6. The terraces are now a popular tourist site, offering stunning views of the snow-capped Andes. One of the historical monuments of Peru, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Peru most popular tourist destination with us. Moray Agricultural Terraces in the Sacred Valley In Peru: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Peru main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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