Grave Circle A In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Grave Circle A is located in Mycenae, a city-state close to Argos in the northern Peloponnese region of Greece. This circular tomb dates back to the Late Helladic period, around 1600-1800 BC. It is a large structure with two concentric circles and made up of six beehive tomb stones and a threshold stone. It is believed to be the final resting place of several prominent Mycenaean royalty, including the great warriors Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. The grave circle has also been identified as the site of the treasury of the Mycenaean Kings, as well as the location of the legendary Mask of Agamemnon. The grave held many artifacts, including opening prizes such as gold diadems, ivory combs, and an ivory chair as well as bronze chariots and more. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

Grave Circle A in the Mycenae necropolis is a prestigious burial monument dating back to the late Bronze Age (c. 1550–1500 BC). As one of the earliest royal tombs in the area, Grave Circle A is one of the most interesting examples of the Mycenaean culture. During the 19th century German archaeological mission, it was discovered and fully excavated. Grave Circle A is located on a hill and is encircled by a cyclopean wall. Inside the circle, there are 16 burial mounds, 12 of which have been excavated so far. The graves are quite large and lavish, suggesting that only the elites of Mycenaean culture were buried there. As many as 16 chariots have been found inside, as well as various weapons and precious items. Near the burial mounds lie two large stone structures, one of which is believed to be a tholos tomb. The other one is thought to be a palace, as it has signs of monumental architecture. Grave Circle A remained in use until the 12th century BC, when it was destroyed by an earthquake. It provides a unique insight into the burial traditions of the Mycenaeans and is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in Greece. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


Grave Circle A is a circular burial site located at the Sanctuary of Mycenae in Greece. It is also known as the Royal Grave or the Circle of Kings. It dates back to 1650–1550 BC, around the height of Mycenaean power in the Bronze Age. The site was discovered in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. This was one of the earliest excavations by archeologists at the Sanctuary of Mycenae. The grave consists of six shaft graves, each containing an individual. It is circular in shape, with a large inner grave and several smaller ones surrounding it. The graves were carefully crafted and show the influence of Mycenaean art. Each grave is covered with a "stone cairn" constructed by large stones in a cone shape. The burials are believed to be that of the kings and queens of the Mycenaean civilization. Inside the graves were various objects including jewelry and swords, as well as gold bull's-head rhyton, believed to have been used for ritual purposes. Scholars speculate that Grave Circle A was robbed during the early 12th century BC, as some of the objects found appeared to be of later origin than the graves themselves. This is known as the Destruction Level II, which is believed to have been caused by the Dorians. Grave Circle A is an important historical site that sheds light on the lives of the Mycenaean people and gives insight into their burial practices and beliefs. It highlights the power of Mycenaean kings in the Bronze Age and provides invaluable evidence in the cultural history of Greece. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Grave Circle A at Mycenae is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece. 2. It dates back to the late 13th century BC, making it one of the oldest royal burial sites. 3. Grave Circle A is famous for its three gold masks, which were discovered in the graves alongside other priceless artifacts. 4. It is believed that these masks once adorned the faces of powerful Mycenaean kings. 5. The excavated graves in the circle contained weapons, armor, bits of horse harness, jewelry, and gold-covered artifacts. 6. In addition to the gold masks, the artifacts in Grave Circle A also include the famous “Lion Gate,” a massive entrance that is decorated with two large stone lions. 7. Grave Circle A was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

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