Cathedral Church of the Armed Forces In Spain: History,Facts, & Services

The Cathedral Church of the Armed Forces is located in Washington D.C. and is an active Episcopal congregation. It is the spiritual home of the men and women of the United States military, their families, and their civilian supporters. The history of the Cathedral Church of the Armed Forces dates back to 1791, when it was founded as a chapel of the United States Military Chaplains Corps. It moved to its present site in 1924 and became an official Episcopal church in 1941. The church features several stained glass windows dedicated to each branch of the military, as well as aviation and other military services. Additionally, it has plaques and other memorabilia honoring those who have served in the Armed Forces. It is known for its attention to military protocol and its reverence for the flag of the United States. Cathedral Church of the Armed Forces offers a number of services to its members and visitors, including worship services, educational programs, outreach activities, and counseling. It is free and open to the public and is supported by donations from individual and corporate donors. Additionally, it provides a repository for records of the armed forces and their supporters. The congregation is led by its Rector, the Venerable Steve Pickens and Lecturer, the Venerable Don Diehl. It has an active lay leadership and participates in numerous community events and projects, such as the Veterans Day Flag Planting, St. John’s Children’s Center, American Red Cross Blood Drives, and other charitable works.

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