Malia Fa'e o Ha'a Tangata - Mary Mother of Humanity In Tonga: History,Facts, & Services

Malia Fa'e o Ha'a Tangata is an ancient Tongan spiritual belief system and practice that is celebrated today as a living tradition. It is primarily based on the veneration of Mary as the mother of humanity and the belief that she is the source of all life and love. With this belief, it is overlaid with specific beliefs about the Tongan family and a collective set of values and practices for living together harmoniously. These include such as: community, humility, care and respect, and the offering of hospitality in the face of adversity. Additionally, it is believed that all life is sacred, and that harmony and peace are achieved by living in accordance with the cycles of nature, and by striving for justice and respect for all of humanity. This living tradition is used to support families, communities, and individuals in their journey of wellbeing, and is celebrated through practices such as social gatherings, praises and prayers, ceremony, music, and the sharing of wisdom.

Explore Tonga most popular tourist destination with us. Malia Fa'e o Ha'a Tangata - Mary Mother of Humanity In Tonga: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Tonga main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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