Paroisse JESUS BON PASTEUR DE MORETAN In Togo: History,Facts, & Services

Paroisse JESUS BON PASTEUR DE MORETAN In Togo is a Catholic parish located in the Moretan Arrondissement of Togo. It was established in 2003 by the Archbishop of Lome, and since then, it has become an important part of the local community. The parish offers a variety of services and activities, including catechetics, prayer gatherings, retreats, social activities, and workshops. Paroisse is committed to supporting and educating the local community, as well as providing spiritual guidance and support. The parish organizes events to promote social justice and understanding, and provides assistance to those in need. The parish also works in partnership with organizations and corporations, to provide food, clothing, and basic necessities to those living in poverty.

Explore Togo most popular tourist destination with us. Paroisse JESUS BON PASTEUR DE MORETAN In Togo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Togo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Vogan Togo

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