Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus In Senegal: History,Facts, & Services


is a parish in the city of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. It is located in the district of Grand-Dakar, and is one of the oldest parishes in the country, having been founded in 1916. It is the site of an important Catholic Shrine, which draws pilgrims from far and wide. The church is known for its vibrant liturgy, which includes a beautiful choir, and the weekly celebration of Mass. The parish has an active social outreach program, which aims to provide spiritual and material support to the local population. It is one of the best churches in Senegal which you must visit.


1. Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus is a Roman Catholic parish in the Sub-Prefecture of Guinguinéo, Senegal. 2. The parish was established in 1972. 3. The parish serves a population of around 5,000 people, predominantly poor villagers of the Peulh ethnic group. 4.Mass is held in French and Peul every Sunday and celebrations for religious holidays are held throughout the year. 5.Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus is home to several programmes focused on providing education and training outreach and development activities to the marginalized community. 6. The parish also works to protect the environment through education, reforestation, and a composting centre. 7. The girls in the parish are supported through educational and community initiatives, such as a literacy and numeracy program, career counseling, and a particular focus on improving girls’ access to education. 8. The parish is also a leader of interfaith dialogue in the region, connecting with other faith traditions to promote peace, cooperation and mutual growth. Here are some facts about the Senegal Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Senegal


Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus offers the following services: • Mass and Sacraments: The parish serves the Catholic faithful with services such as Mass and other sacraments, including Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, and Reconciliation. The parish also celebrates important feast days and other major religious holidays. • Outreach and Social Services: The parish offers assistance with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities to members of the local community in need. The parish also has programs and activities for children and families. • Education and Formation: Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus provides educational opportunities such as catechism classes, retreats, and bible study courses. • Spiritual and Pastoral Care: The parish has priests and lay volunteers available for spiritual guidance and support. They also offer counselling services for those in need. This beautiful church in Senegal has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Senegal most popular tourist destination with us. Paroisse Sainte Thérèse de L'enfant jésus In Senegal: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Senegal main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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