Our Lady of Peace In Senegal: History,Facts, & Services


is the history of a pregnancy made possible by a miraculous statue of Our Lady of Peace that was presented to the royal court of the kingdom of Waalo in Senegal during the 16th century. The statue is believed to have been a gift from the Portuguese, who had been trading extensively with the area. The legend states that a childless young woman prayed for a child after the statue was presented. A year later, she was pregnant with a son, and the son was believed to have been fathered by divine intervention. The statue was seen as a harbinger of peace and has been venerated ever since. It is now considered a symbol of the nation's independence from foreign domination. It is one of the best churches in Senegal which you must visit.


1. Located in the Diocese of Thiès, Our Lady of Peace Church is a popular pilgrimage destination in Senegal. 2. The church was built in 1896 by Henri Simonat, a French missionary. 3. The church is a popular site for pilgrims and visitors throughout the year, and particularly around Easter. 4. Mass is celebrated every Sunday on the church grounds, and is traditionally attended by many locals from the surrounding villages. 5.Every year, on 15 August pilgrims come to the church to take part in the Feast of Our Lady of Peace. 6. The feast of Our Lady of Peace is celebrated with special songs and prayers, as well as a procession around the church. 7. Pilgrims make offerings to Our Lady of Peace in the hopes of receiving special graces and blessings. 8. The church is built on a rocky hill in a village in the Thiès region of Senegal. 9. Every year, the pilgrimage attracts many people from all over the region, including from neighboring countries. 10. The pilgrimage is an important community event, and a time when people can come together to celebrate their faith. Here are some facts about the Senegal Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Senegal


Our Lady of Peace in Senegal offers a variety of services to its members and visitors, including: 1. Education: Our Lady of Peace offers educational programs in primary, secondary, and university levels, as well as oversight and guidance of student assistance initiatives. 2. Charitable services: Our Lady of Peace works with other charities in Senegal to provide aid and services such and healthcare, housing, human rights, and food procurement. 3. Social events: Our Lady of Peace hosts large social gatherings, such as festivals and concerts, that promote intercultural exchange and understanding. 4. Prayer sessions: Our Lady of Peace welcomes individuals for prayer sessions in the morning and evening, and provides spiritual care as needed. 5. Retreats and conferences: Our Lady of Peace provides space for both spiritual and professional retreats and conferences, and organizes spiritual direction for members and visitors. 6. Counselling: Our Lady of Peace provides one-on-one counselling and faith formation guidance for its members. 7. Outreach activities: Our Lady of Peace participates in various neighbourhood and community outreach activities through clubs, music programs, and host meetings. This beautiful church in Senegal has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Senegal most popular tourist destination with us. Our Lady of Peace In Senegal: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Senegal main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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