Apia Harvest Centre Church - Multicultrual AOG In Samoa: History,Facts, & Services


is a multicultural, multi-generational, and multi-cultural Pentecostal church located in Apia, Samoa. It was established in 2011 and is the first church of its kind in the country. The church has grown from a small beginning of 60 people to over 350 members. Its purpose is to share the love of Jesus Christ and to make him known throughout the islands of Samoa. The church is an inclusive community of different ages, cultures, and backgrounds that come together to worship. It believes that the bible is true and is the source of Truth. It seeks to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and understanding for all those who enter its doors. The church also provides various social events such as family fun days, outreach activities, worship services, seminars, and Bible studies. It is one of the best churches in Samoa which you must visit.


1. Apia Harvest Centre Church (AHCC) is a multi-cultural church in Samoa located in the capital city of Apia. 2. The church was founded in 2006, by a team of missionaries from Australia and New Zealand who came to Samoa to plant churches. 3. AHCC is an Assemblies of God (AOG) Church, and is affiliated with the Assemblies of God in New Zealand and Fiji. 4. It has approximately 300 members from a variety of cultural backgrounds, including Samoan, English, French, Australian, Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. 5. The church is committed to integrating cultures and celebrating diversity through its services, which are conducted in both English and Samoan. 6. They offer a variety of ministries and programs to meet the spiritual needs of their members, such as weekly Bible studies, Sunday school, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and young adult ministry. 7. AHCC is also actively involved in providing practical and spiritual support to the local community, and partners with local ministries and organizations on a regular basis. Here are some facts about the Samoa Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Samoa


1. Worship services: Apia Harvest Centre Church supports a wide range of congregations for different denominations and cultures. The church provides weekly Sunday services in English, Samoan, and other Pacific languages. 2. Bible study classes: Apia Harvest Centre Church offers regular bible study classes for adults and children. These classes provide safe and welcoming spaces to grow in knowledge and understanding of the bible. 3. Outreach programming: The church provides various outreach programs in the local community. This might include food drives, educational seminars, and community events. 4. Mission trips: The church organizes mission trips to other cities and countries. Through these trips, members of the church gain experience and knowledge while contributing to other communities’ spiritual and physical needs. 5. Education: Apia Harvest Centre Church offers educational courses for adults, including theology, Bible studies, and Christian leadership. 6. Support programs: The church provides various types of support to those in need. This may include referrals to support services, financial assistance, counseling, and other forms of assistance. This beautiful church in Samoa has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Samoa most popular tourist destination with us. Apia Harvest Centre Church - Multicultrual AOG In Samoa: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Samoa main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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