Discover - Torrione di Micara - Tomba Romana - Fact, History and Travel Information

Torrione di Micara - Tomba Romana is an ancient Roman tomb found in Lazio, Italy near Lago di Bolsena. It is believed to date back to the early 4th century AD, around the time of Constantine the Great’s reign. The tomb features a cylindrical chamber carved into the granite, surrounded by four chambers and two antechambers. It is believed to have been used for funerary rituals of ancient Roman nobility. The structure was first discovered in the 19th century. In recent years, it has been the subject of several archaeological excavations which have uncovered remains of frescoes, coins and inscriptions inside the tomb. Torrione di Micara - Tomba Romana is a popular tourist site in the area, and can be accessed by car or boat. Visitors can explore the ancient tomb and see the relics that have been uncovered by archaeologists. The site is located close to nearby historic and archaeological sites, such as Caracupa Castle, Vulcano Lake, and the Monarchika archaeological site.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Discover - Torrione di Micara - Tomba Romana - Fact, History and Travel Information,which is 16.82 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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