Discover - Resti villa romana - Fact, History and Travel Information

Resti villa romana is an ancient Roman villa located in the Italian region of Lazio, near the modern town of Sezze. It was constructed sometime in the 2nd century AD, making it one of the oldest Roman villas still in existence. As well as hosting a collection of important archaeological remains, the property is noted for its impressive Renaissance gardens. Resti villa romana

Resti villa romana is an ancient villa complex in the Lazio region of Italy. Constructed in the 2nd century AD, it is one of the oldest Roman villas still in existence. It is set within a lush green landscape and is surrounded by a Renaissance-era garden. Resti villa romana

Resti villa romana consists of a main building and several additional buildings, making up a large compound. The villa is roughly rectangular in shape and covers an area of roughly 76,000m2. The building is made up of a central section surrounded by single story wings, and each wing was divided into a number of apartments. Resti villa romana

The villa was originally owned by wealthy Roman families and was used as a retreat. Its gardens and open-air theater have been used by many famous people including the Italian poet Dante. After centuries of neglect, the villa was restored in the 16th century by architect Andrea Palladio. Resti villa romana

Resti villa romana is open to the public and can be visited throughout the year. The villa is located 43km from Rome and is easily reached by car or public transportation. The property is set in a tranquil area and provides a great opportunity to explore an important part of Italian history.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. Discover - Resti villa romana - Fact, History and Travel Information,which is 8.48 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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