Discover - Colonnacce Roman villa - Fact, History and Travel Information

Colonnacce Roman villa is an ancient Roman villa located near the town of Canosa di Puglia in Italy. It is believed to have been constructed in the 1st to 4th century and is one of the best-preserved Roman villas in Italy. The villa was named after the remains of the 4th-century BC Etruscan columns which still stand at the entrance of the villa.

Colonnacce Roman villa is the remains of a large Roman country-estate that includes a main villa, cisterns, a complex system of fields and farmland, a wine cellar, a large structure suspected to be a hunting lodge, and two large courtyards. Within the villa is an interior courtyard surrounded by halls and rooms.

Colonnacce Roman Villa is made of tuff stone, a type of volcanic rock. The villa also has walls that measure up to 8ft in height but are only 3ft in breadth. It is estimated that the villa was able to accommodate up to 40 people.

The villa was first investigated in 1862 by Donato della Porta, a local archaeologist and later by J. D’Heinrich. It is believed that during the time it was occupied, the villa served as a villa rustica, a villa owned by a Roman landowner which was used as a self-sustaining farm by the citizens of Canosa.

Colonnacce Roman Villa is open to the public and is free to visit. Visitors can explore the villa and its grounds, join guided tours and discover the archaeological remains which are still visible.

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