Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei In Romania: History,Facts, & Services


dates back to the 16th century, when Protestant colonists brought the Reformation to Romania. It was one of the main Christian centers of the country during the Ottoman Invaders until the end of the 18th century, when the church was subject to frequent change and decline. In the early 19th century, the Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei was re-established and has since become a vibrant community. They are part of the wider Reformed Presbyterian Church of Romania and seek to fulfill the Great Commission by planting churches and distributing evangelistic materials throughout the region. They also are committed to bringing people into relationship with Jesus Christ through discipleship and mentorship programs and providing practical aid to the poor and marginalized in society. It is one of the best churches in Romania which you must visit.


1. The Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei is an Evangelical Lutheran parish located in the historical center of Brasov, Romania. 2. The church building was built in 1477, making it one of the oldest churches in Romania. 3. It is a historic Gothic-style building protected by law. 4. The first documents mentioning the church date back to 1343. 5. In 1533, King Ferdinand of Romania gave this church to the people of Brasov. 6. In 1970, the church was returned to the Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei. 7. The church is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Romania. 8. The church is open for services and also holds cultural events. 9. It is one of the sites included in the Historic Centre of Sibiu UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here are some facts about the Romania Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Romania


The Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei in Romania is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to individuals, families and communities in Romania. Services provided by the church include: 1. Sunday Worship: The church holds weekly Sunday morning and evening services, and periodic morning and evening special services. Services are typically led by a pastor or lay minister and consist of a form of church music, prayer, a sermon or sermonette, and the observance of the sacraments of baptism and holy communion. 2. Pastoral Care: The church has a pastoral team who provides spiritual care to individuals and families in need. This support could include individual counseling, marriage counseling, small group Bible study, and spiritual guidance. 3. Evangelism: The church partners with a variety of community organizations in order to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all backgrounds and ages. 4. Missionary Outreach: The church supports a number of mission ministries in Romania and around the world. These missions provide humanitarian aid, foster economic development, and equip people to follow Christ. 5. Fellowship: The church engages in various social activities to strengthen its community. Events such as potlucks, game nights, car washes, and volunteer outreach are often organized by the congregation. 6. Education: The church offers educational and learning resources such as biblical studies, catechism lessons, and Christian literature to help individuals nurture their faith. 7. Youth Ministry: The church has a youth ministry program that is geared towards helping young people in Romania. Programs such as Bible study groups, youth camps, and mission trips are offered to foster spiritual growth in the youth and develop leadership skills. This beautiful church in Romania has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Romania most popular tourist destination with us. Evangelical Church of Poarta Șchei In Romania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Romania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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