Congregacion Cristiana En El Paraguay, caacupemi In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services


is a Christian church denomination in Paraguay. The denomination was founded in 1975 by Enrique Ocampo, a Paraguayan Christian preacher. The denomination is focused on providing services to the poor and the needy, as well as promoting a message of faith and Christian values. Caacupemi Church has spread beyond Paraguay and is active in other countries of Latin America and the Carribbean, as well as the United States. The denomination allows for the active participation of women, and the church has been active in community initiatives. It is one of the best churches in Paraguay which you must visit.


1. Congregacion Cristiana En El Paraguay, caacupemi is the largest and oldest Christian church in Paraguay. 2. It was founded in 1873, and has more than 5000 members. 3. The church has its own schools, hospitals, orphanages, radio stations, and newspaper. 4. It is committed to social and political transformation and contributes to education, healthcare, and support for the poor and vulnerable. 5. Caacupemi is a broad Christian movement in Paraguay and encompasses many different Christian denominations and traditions. 6. Congregacion Cristiana En El Paraguay, caacupemi has partnered with a number of international organizations, including the United Nations Children’s Fund, the International Monetary Fund, NGOs, and the US State Department. 7. The church is committed to building communities centered around faith, family, and social justice. 8. The National Assembly of the Congregacion Cristiana En El Paraguay, caacupemi meets every two years in the capital of Asuncion, to discuss strategies for the growth and development of the church. Here are some facts about the Paraguay Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Paraguay


Congregación Cristiana en el Paraguay, caacupemi ofrece servicios para la comunidad cristiana. Estos incluyen: • Eventos Seminarios y Estudios Biblicos: la iglesia ofrece seminarios, estudios bíblicos, charlas y otras actividades educativas con el fin de incentivar el aprendizaje de la Palabra de Dios. • Servicios de Adoración y Alabanza: los miembros de la iglesia se reúnen para alabar el nombre del Señor y adorar al Dios Verdadero. • Servicio de Oración: membres y líderes de la iglesia se reúnen para orar juntos y pedirle a Dios su guía, dirección, sanidad y protección. • Servicios Interno los servicios internos incluyen ministerios como servicio de discipulado, música laica o de adoración, programas infantiles, comunidad de discipulado y miembros enviados a otras áreas para ministerio. • Servicio de Misión la iglesia también está comprometida con la misión y la evangelización en el extranjero. Ofrecen recursos de formación a líderes y personal de la iglesia, recursos materiales para la misión, y programas dedicados para ayudar a los miembros en áreas extranjeras. This beautiful church in Paraguay has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Paraguay most popular tourist destination with us. Congregacion Cristiana En El Paraguay, caacupemi In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Paraguay main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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