Christian Assembly | Central in Paraguay In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services


traces its origins back to 1981, when it was founded by two brothers who were members of a large, extended family. The church began with twenty-five members in a small room and, at present, its membership is over two thousand. With two locations, one in Central and another in San Roque González, it operates as the main centre for its global locations, including in Argentina, Chile, and France. It is committed to the evangelization of Paraguay and of the world, through various gospel activities including mission trips, Choir and Sunday School, among others. It is one of the best churches in Paraguay which you must visit.


, Christian Assembly was established in 2005 in the capital city of Asuncion. It is one of the biggest evangelical congregations in the country. The church has a membership of more than 8,000 active members and more than 23,000 followers throughout the country. Christian Assembly is a non-denominational, charismatic church and its vision is to share the love of God with the Paraguayan people. The church emphasizes the importance of the Word of God and the need for spiritual growth through Bible study and prayer. It has a holistic approach to worship, where members combine religious music, preaching, and other activities, such as praying for the sick, holding evangelistic meetings, and providing assistance to those in need. On Sunday mornings, Christian Assembly uses a combination of modern Christian worship music, a sermon and testimonial. In addition to its weekly services, Christian Assembly also holds annual conferences which bring in hundreds of people from across the country. The church has numerous small groups that meet throughout the week in order to aid members in their spiritual growth. As part of their study program, Christian Assembly offers classes in Spanish focusing on Bible study, theology and spiritual growth. Here are some facts about the Paraguay Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Paraguay


, Christian Assembly | Central provides religious services to individuals and families. These services include: 1. Bible Study – Weekly Small Group Bible Study and a Weekly Fellowship Time that enables members to study the Bible together. 2. Worship Services – Weekly Worship Services led by experienced pastors, deacons, and lay leaders who lead the congregation in worship and prayer. 3. Community Outreach – Assistance to members and others in need in the local community, including food, prayer, and fellowship opportunities. 4. Youth Ministry – Special activities and events aimed at engaging young members of the congregation. 5. Missions – Opportunities for members to serve on mission trips and be part of outreach efforts in other countries, as well as local evangelistic efforts. 6. Counseling – Spiritual counseling and pastoral care for individuals and families. 7. Education – Special classes and seminars on a variety of topics of interest to members. 8. Social Events – Activities such as picnics, dinners, and other events to build relationships and strengthen the Christian community. This beautiful church in Paraguay has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Paraguay most popular tourist destination with us. Christian Assembly | Central in Paraguay In Paraguay: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Paraguay main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    , the Central Assembly of Christian Churches is located in Asunción.

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, the Central Assembly of Christian Churches is located in Asunción. Paraguay

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